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GMPG History to date
A few steps to date in the GMPG history are as follows:
- 1992
- The GMPG was first mentioned by Neal Stephenson in chapter 3 of his book Snow Crash.
- 2003 March
- The Founders (Tantek Çelik, Eric Meyer, Matthew Mullenweg) met at the SXSW conference in Austin TX USA. Inspired by blogs and blogrolls, they decided they wanted a simple way to express human relationships on the Web, and developed the initial principles for XFN, the XHTML Friends Network.
- 2003 May
- First draft of XFN and various satellite documents were written, including XMDP, a general format for XHTML Meta Data Profiles in XHTML.
- 2003 August
- The Founders decided to create a site to house such protocols/formats and was born. Amongst a flurry of activity numerous documents were written and posted.
- 2003 September
- The Founders finally find enough spare vacation and other off hour moments to polish, XFN and related documents enough for a limited preview.
- 2003 December
- After a bunch of minor tweaks in off hours and last minute comments from previewers, XFN is released to the public.
- 2004 August
- GMPG releases XFN 1.1 with three new values ("contact", "kin", and "me") as a poster at Hypertext 2004 in Santa Cruz, California (USA), the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia.
- 2005 May
- The 14th International World Wide Web Conference, Chiba, Japan. GMPG's paper on XMDP accepted for the Poster Track of WWW2005.