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[re-send] Re: XSLT: status of owls:Documentation unclear

# The previous reply was send erroneously due to my miss-operation.
# So, please discard the previous one, and take this reply.  Sorry...

'owls:Documentation' is used in a sloppy manner in the
XML presentation syntax Schema, and should be elaborated
in the specification ('owls' here indicates a namespace
prefix for the presentation syntax Schema).

The following idea would make the XSLT transformation
simpler and more consistent w.r.t. the Abstract Syntax.

(1) owls:Documentation for rdfs:comment

Basically, I assume 'owls:Documentation' is transformed
to 'rdfs:comment'.  The current Schema allows multiple
'owls:Documentation' under 'owls:Annotation'.

   <owls:Documentation>This is the first comment.</owls:Documentation>
   <owls:Documentation>This is the second comment.</owls:Documentation>
   <owls:Documentation>This is the third comment.</owls:Documentation>
<rdfs:comment>This is the first comment.</rdfs:comment>
<rdfs:comment>This is the second comment.</rdfs:comment>
<rdfs:comment>This is the third comment.</rdfs:comment>

>> So, what should I do with:
>>    <owls:Documentation>
>>      <owl:subClassOf rdf:resource="#whatever"/>
>>    </owls:Documentation>
>> =?=>
>>    <owl:subClassOf rdf:resource="#whatever" />

If we take the following ideas as well, the above
example would be:

      <owl:subClassOf rdf:resource="#whatever"/>
      <owl:subClassOf rdf:resource="#whatever"/>

Although I am not so sure if this result does not
cause any problem in RDF/XML, the idea here is that
owls:Documentation is like a CDATA sectiono in DTD.

(2) owls:Label (new!) for rdfs:label

For 'rdfs:label', it would be better to introduce 'owls:Label'
that can be added as children of owls:Annotation

   <owls:Label>English name</owls:Label>
   <owls:Label>French name</owls:Label>
   <owls:Label>Italian name</owls:Label>

owls:Annotation can only be specified as the first
element of the following elements:
  + owls:Individual
  + owls:Class (as an axiom)
  + owls:DatatypeProperty
  + owls:ObjectProperty
  + owls:EnumeratedClass

This limitation is in accordance with the Abstract
Syntax.  So, owls:Label can actually be used as
labels of those constructs as expected in RDFS.

(3) Dublin Core Metadata under 'owls:Head' (new)

Currently approach (include DC metadata into children
of owls:Documentation, which allows ANY child elements)
is a sloppy way of specifying the DC metadata.

     <dc:title>OWL Web Ontology Language</dc:title>
     <dc:creator>W3C Web Ontology (WebOnt) Working Group</dc:creator>

I will fix this neatly by importing (in the XML Schema
sense) the DC metadata Schema [1] into the presentation
syntax Schema.

[1] http://dublincore.org/schemas/xmls/

In addition, I would like to propose to intorduce
'owls:Head' element that allows explicit inidication
of header section in the OWL document with XML
presentation syntax.  In RDF/XML, 'owl:ontology'
actually plays that role, but Metadata elements,
versioning elements (e.g., owls:VersionInfo,
owls:PriorVersion), and owls:import can be specified
in arbitrary position in the XML presentation syntax.

Taking the above two change (DC Schema & owls:Head),
the header section of OWL document will look like:

      <owls:VersionInfo>This is a revised version</owls:VersionInfo>
      <dc:title>OWL Web Ontology Language</dc:title>
      <dc:creator>W3C Web Ontology (WebOnt) Working Group</dc:creator>
      <owls:Import  href="http://example.org/aaa.xml">http://example.org/aaa.xml" />
      <owls:Import  href="http://example.org/bbb.xml">http://example.org/bbb.xml" />

    <owls:Class name="..."> ... </owls:Class>



Masahiro Hori, Ph.D.
Group Leader, Programming Models & Tools,
IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory
Tel: +81-46-215-4667 / Fax: +81-46-274-4282
Email: horim@jp.ibm.com

                      rialpes.fr               To:       www-webont-wg@w3.org                                     
                      (Jerome Euzenat)         cc:       Masahiro Hori/Japan/IBM@IBMJP                            
                      Sent by:                 Subject:  XSLT: status of owls:Documentation unclear               
                      2003/01/24 06:44                                                                            


             I am now tracking the differences between what my stylesheet
gives and what Masahiro expected when building the examples. There is
something disturbing with owls:Documentation. Here are the 3 examples
I have:

   <owls:Documentation>An example OWL ontology</owls:Documentation>
<rdfs:comment>An example OWL ontology</rdfs:comment>

     <dc:title>OWL Web Ontology Language</dc:title>
     <dc:creator>W3C Web Ontology (WebOnt) Working Group</dc:creator>
     <dc:subject>OWL; Web Ontology Language; Semantic Web</dc:subject>
       Classes and properties for the OWL Web Ontology Language
<dc:title>OWL Web Ontology Language</dc:title>
<dc:creator>W3C Web Ontology (WebOnt) Working Group</dc:creator>
<dc:subject>OWL; Web Ontology Language; Semantic Web</dc:subject>
   Classes and properties for the OWL Web Ontology Language

     <rdfs:label>Wine Ontology</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label>Wine Ontology</rdfs:label>

 From this I infer the following mapping rule:

If the content of the documentation is text, then wrap it into
Otherwise, copy it verbatim...

So, what should I do with:
     <owl:subClassOf rdf:resource="#whatever"/>
   <owl:subClassOf rdf:resource="#whatever" />


  Jérôme Euzenat                  __
                                  /      /\
  INRIA Rhône-Alpes,            _/  _   _   _ _    _
                               /_) | ` / ) | \ \  /_)
  655, avenue de l'Europe,    (___/___(_/_/  / /_(_________________
  Montbonnot St Martin,       /        http://www.inrialpes.fr/exmo
  38334 Saint-Ismier cedex,  /          Jerome.Euzenat@inrialpes.fr
  France____________________/                Jerome.Euzenat@free.fr

Received on Friday, 24 January 2003 09:18:56 UTC