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Ihre Aktion |
verknüpfte Veröffentlichungen
1. |
The prints of Stanley William Hayter / Black, Peter. - London : Phaidon, 1992
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Hayter e l'Atelier 17 ; [Roma, Accademia di San Luca, 10 maggio - 1 luglio 1990] / Hayter, Stanley William. - Milano : Electa, 1990
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The Renaissance of gravure : the art of S. W. Hayter ; (incorporating the catalogue of the retrospective exhibition at the Ashmoleam Museum, Oxford, 11 October 27 November 1988) / Hacker, P. M. S.. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1988
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Stanley William Hayter - Grafiken : [Ausstellungskatalog] Städtisches Kunsthaus Bielefeld, 3. März - 7. April 1968 / Hayter, Stanley William. - Bielefeld : Städtisches Kunsthaus, 1968
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New ways of gravure / Hayter, Stanley William. - London [u.a.] : Oxford University Press, 1966
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About prints / Hayter, Stanley William. - Reprinted - London : Oxford University Press, 1964
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Stanley W. Hayter, Gemälde unnd Graphiken : William Scott, Gemälde ; Kenneth Armitage, Skulpturen und Zeichnungen / Förster, Otto H.. - Köln, [1960]
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Paintings by Francis Bacon, paintings and etchings by S.W. Hayter, sculptures and drawings by Barbara Hepworth : Pinturas de Francis Bacon, pinturas e grabados de S.W. Hayter, esculturas e desenhas de Barbara Hepworth / Bacon, Francis. - [London] : [The Council], [1959]
9. |
New ways of gravure : 25 diagrams, 100 ill. / Hayter, Stanley William. - New York : Pantheon, 1949