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Internationalization Web Services Task Force
Home Page

on this page:  about - what the task force did - documents - meetings - mailing lists

The Internationalization (I18N) Web Services Task Force (WSTF), was part of the W3C Internationalization Activity. Its work is now concluded and the Internationalization Core Working Group is now working on Web Services Internationalization. This page is maintained as a reference to various documents created by the WSTF and to host information about Web Services internationalization.

Go to top of page.About the Task Force

The goal of the Internationalization Web Services Task Force is to ensure that Web services have robust support for global use, including all of the world's languages and cultures.

Start Here: Web Services Internationalization Usage Scenarios This document examines the different ways that language, culture, and related issues interact with Web services architecture and technology.

Internationalization of Web services allows applications to function across national, linguistic, or cultural boundaries, or to distribute, orchestrate, or harmonize services into global business processes and applications.

Other materials of interest:

For more information on the general Web services activities of the W3C, visit these Working Groups:

Public participation

Mailing List. As with other Web Services related groups at W3C, the majority of the Web Services Task Force discussions took place on a public mailing list, public-i18n-ws@w3.org. This list is now fallow, but an archive of this list can be read by the general public.

If you're interested in internationalization in general, join the www-international list.

Go to top of page.Meetings

Past face-to-face meetings

  • 29-30 March 2004, Fairfax, Virginia, USA.
    Held immediately prior to the Internationalization & Unicode Conference #25.
  • 9 October 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA.
  • 22-23 November 2003, Westborough, Massachussetts, USA.
    Held during the W3C Technical Plenary.
    [Minutes] [Logistics]

Go to top of page.Mailing lists


This list is dedicated to discussion of work on the Internationalization WSTF deliverables and task force administravia, such as scheduling face-to-face meetings.

See detailed description.


This public mailing list is available to members of all three Internationalisation Task Forces (Core, Web Services, and GEO) and interested experts and contributors among the general public.

See detailed description.

Go to top of page.Start Here: WSTF Documents

Published documents:

[2004-08-02] Working Group Note: Web Services Internationalization Usage ScenariosNote Status Document. Read this first!

[2003-11-16] Requirements for Internationalization of Web Services Working Draft Note Status Document.

Editors' drafts:

The following documents are now quiescent, since active work on them has been completed (the above Working Group Notes should be the documents that you refer to)

Usage Scenarios Editor's Copy (updated semi-continuously)

Requirements Editor's Copy (updated semi-continuously)

Go to top of page.What the Task Force Did

The Web Services Task Force (WSTF) of the W3C Internationalization Working Group investigated needs and problems in the area of internationalization of Web Services, in particular the dependency of Web Services on language, culture, region, and locale-related contexts.

This included work on:

  • Use Cases. Collecting a series of use cases for Web services and locales which demonstrate globalization issues and solutions/workarounds in the various Web services and related standards.
  • Requirements. A document or set of documents that describe new globalization features that need to be implemented in Web services standards.
  • Standards Review. Working in tandem with the Core Task Force, this group provides more consistent, timely feedback on proposed standards than would otherwise be possible.
  • Locales. Providing a recommendation for the design and implementation of a locale model for the Internet, which may include locale tagging, negotiation, data interchange, and other topics of interest.

Valid XHTML 1.0! Valid CSS! Unicode Encoded Addison Phillips (addison dot phillips at quest dot com)
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