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ID: 901001827 Page link: http://vocab.getty.edu/page/ia/901001827 | Record Type: Event/Narrative |
Story of Aphrodite (Greek narrative) | ||
Note: Narratives surrounding the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. | |
Story of Aphrodite (Greek narrative) (preferred,English-P,D,P) | |
Legend, Religion, Mythology (P) | ||
....<Greek iconography> (P) | ||
........<Greek narratives> (P) | ||
............Story of Aphrodite (Greek narrative) (I) | ||
protagonist is .... Aphrodite | |
..........(Legend, Religion, Mythology, Greek iconography, Greek characters, Aphrodite (Greek deity)) [901000612] |
role/characteristic is .... narrative (literary works) | |
.....(genres for literature, genres in literature and performing arts, concepts in the arts and humanities, Associated Concepts (hierarchy name)) (AAT) |
culture/religion is .... Ancient Greek (culture or style) | |
.....(Aegean periods, Aegean, Mediterranean (Early Western World), Early Western World, styles, periods, and cultures by region, Styles and Periods (hierarchy name)) (AAT) |
Story of Aphrodite (Greek narrative) | |
................Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-) | |
................Iconclass Illustrated Edition (2022-) in 92C4 (story of) Venus (Aphrodite) | |
................ Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2002-) "Aphrodite," accessed 13 July 2017 | |