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Who would buy that?
"One man's junk is another man's treasure" is the mantra of eBay auctions, and this site finds dozens of amazing examples every day. Shauna and Drue not only unearth kitsch-filled gems, they make you look at junk in a whole new light. (a tragically funny light.)


The latest episode of 0SIL8 is called Press Nothing to Continue. It's an innovative marriage between Blogger and Tellme, a telephone information service. Using Blogger to output a certain format of XML called VXML (here's the file he's using Blogger to generate), a blog can be heard over the phone. There is no weblog to see in this case, you have to call a phone number to hear it. Blogger: it's not just for web-based weblogs anymore.

I can't believe the news today. Oh, I can't close my eyes and make it go away. But that's ok. It's news about the biggest band in the world, U2. And this blog proclaims itself the biggest log in the world. Their new album, All That You Can't Leave Behind is released this week. And you can bet there will be plenty of U2 news to be found there. Surf on over and watch the days run away like horses over the hill.

Halloween Weblog
Our favorite pagan holiday is almost upon us. If you're among the living, you may want to find tricks or treats to help you celebrate. Willa is concocting a witches' brew of links for all of your spooky halloween needs.

Lines & Splines
Before we found this blog our ligature was disconnected, our ascenders were descenders, and we couldn't tell Hobo from Garamond. Andy Crewdson set us straight on these points without being too heavy or bold. He discusses type theory and trends with enthusiasm. Zapf your type troubles with a visit today!

Presidential Haiku
tired of haiku blogs?
we are too – here is one more:
president haiku.

(on mount fuji.)

Senior Citizen!!1
Any blog that uses the expression "petit fromage" amuses us here at Blogger HQ, and this week's BoTW, s3N10r c1T1z3N!!1, uses it with enthusiasm. From rants on Oxford students and Gnutella, to posts about a new telescope and an online cheese comparator, this "Old Fart" is a source of interesting links and even more interesting commentary. We're proud to make it our Blog of the Week!!!!!!

(If you use more !!!!, perhaps you can be BoTW too!!!!!!!!!!!)

Manifest Destiny
Ahh, the West. Big skies. Big dreams. Wild, untamed land. Or is that big highways, fast food, and roadside tourist traps? Either way, Max and Morgan will experience it. Then they'll write about it on their weblog. In this rapidly growing sub-genre "travel blog", Manifest Destiny stands out as a prime example. It's full of stories and pictures from their trek: Chicago to San Francisco. They make frequent stops at Internet cafes along the way to post to their blog. And be sure to check the Daily Donner Report. Because you never know.

The Daily Brad
Bradford Lee Graham could be considered a netly costermonger of wry brad. He says, "Matter was neither created nor destroyed in the creation of this website, although one hopes the universe was dented, just a bit." And it's hard to find a place with more dents than The Daily Brad. Go for the humor. Stay for the humor.

Ted's Training Blog
The International Olympic Committee does not allow an Olympic athletes to record their thoughts about the Olympics and post them on the Internet. To them, the Internet represents a new form of journalism that they can't control. This new journalism is about personal expression directly written by participants in events. Ted will be one such participant in the Olympics. They may be able to silence him once the games start, but for now you can read about his daily training and trials. Ted is representing Taiwan in Windsurfing in Sydney. Good luck!

Eddie Breen
Art can neither be good or bad, only interesting or boring, says Eddie Breen, the leading practitioner of piggyback art. He takes paintings that he considers boring or incomplete, and inserts nuns, flying jesuses, flame people, or demons, changing the meaning of the compostion in ways to suit his visions, to coopt the elements and create his own worlds." Thus reads the about page of "Where's My Lunch? Satan Ate It!," the blog all about the work of Eddie Breen, by Eddie Breen. Go for the no-longer-boring art. Stay for the behind-the-no-longer-boring-art commentary.

living colours
It may be that you have to face death in order to appreciate life. Kaycee is currently receiving chemotherapy for leukemia, and living with cancer has given her a unique perspective on the world. She describes herself like this: "...creator of smiles and laughter, and i have a mischievous side that is nothing short of infectious." She also describes herself as a "warrior", though she reveals more than just her strength...she reveals her humanity. After reading Kaycee's blog, you may find a different understanding of your own life. All of us here at Blogger send our best wishes to Kaycee and her family during this difficult time. It's more than just *pretty words* when we say our hearts go out to you and keep fighting!

"Opensewer is an organization dedicated to promoting art, creating community, and questioning the follies of society." Their blog is nicely integrated into their site on the front page, and is a great example of using Blogger to enhance an existing page. The people of Opensewer post external and internal links and commentary. The site is much more than the blog so be sure to explore the art and information there. In this case, the revolution may indeed be Bloggerized.

Is your Rent too high on Sunset Boulevard? Can't afford Evita prices on Annie's income? Take the Cats on a Showboat out of your West Side Story with the Sound of Music at Mermanic. (All the Guys and Dolls are doing it.) Grease is the word. Oklahoma!

AYA Convention
What is an event blog? It's a blog that documents a specific event. What is the AYA? It is an "...international type club for owners and pilots of...light aircraft." Their International Convention blog is a perfect example of an event blog. The convention took place June 26-29, 2000, and documents the activities and participants. It has some great photos too!

Signal vs. Noise
From the people who brought you eNormicom, it's a collaborative daily blog that discusses "...design, entertainment, politics and whatever else [they] feel like talking about." Behind its crisp design is crisp, thoughtful commentary. The folks at 37 signals have great way of cutting through corporatespeak. Tune out some noise by tuning in.

reality blurred
The rage on TV these days is "reality" TV. The rage on the web is blogs. Convergence was only a matter of time. Andy Dehnart's collection of news related to this TV genre brings focus to the watchers and the people being watched. Reality Blurred is real even though the shows it discusses may not quite be. Or is it?

Chris and Lasara write about a specific weekly topic. They both have different thoughts and perspectives that are pulled together into this nicely designed site. In their own words, they're "...not here to move the world, we're here to give it flavor."

Leaky Cauldron
The world is set to go crazy this week with the release of the fourth Harry Potter book: The Goblet of Fire. And where better to follow the action than a Harry Potter blog? Site creator Kevin Murphy is set to chronicle all the weirdness that's bound to ensue. Be sure to tell him the muggles sent ya!

Voltage is four blogs for the price of one. Contributors DonerKebab and RedNeckEarl collect pointers to digital music information in four categories: news, sites, gadgets, and music. It's a four channel mix of links with an interesting use of frames to combine blogs.

Biking in the City
San Francisco is not known as a bicycle-friendly town. So what happens when someone chooses a bike as his primary mode of transportation? Drama, adventure, and a blog. Michael is passionate about biking, and you will be too after reading his thoughts on the subject and about his wild daily rides. This blog narrows in on one aspect of daily life, and it's this kind of focus that has allowed it to ride ahead of the pack.

Digital Web
"What's New" at Digital Web Magazine is more than a typical What's New page. Editor In Chief Nick Finck finds digital design news and information from around the web. He enthusiastically points out new technology, theory, and discussions that any web designer will find valuable.

Is it the dashing photo, the excellent writing, or the daily pics? What makes this blog stand above the rest? Ryan takes blogging to a higher level, if you wanna get all pompous about it. After all, he's sixfoot6.

The Hockey Diaries
Tired of the usual link + commentary = weblog equation? Check out the Hockey diaries, where Ann (aka melty) chronicles her sport of choice with passion and wit (using Blogger, natch).

Barbelith has been blogging with Blogger since October, 1999. In his words: "vapid weblog babble." In our words: "London weblog insight." (Now with randomized photos!)

Feminist Media Watch
An excellent group weblog. These 14 contributors were brought together by meade who hoped to give them "...a place to reflect on the feminist and women's issues on the Web and in the world." They have created a space to share their reactions to media; as meade says, "Like footprints (or a stain) left behind when you walk your path through the tangled Web."

Disease Mgmt. News
Compiled by the people at Managed Care magazine, this weblog provides daily pointers to health related news. They include a short excerpt from each article, and provide an easy way to keep up with health related happenings.

Web Queeries
Beyond its strikingly clever name, web queeries is a clever collaborative weblog. Its thirteen or so contributors report information of interest to the GLBT community. And it's one of the few pink weblogs we've seen. (not that there's anything wrong with that.)

Squirrel Bait
Squirrel Bait is a quirky, often funny, journal of a woman self-described in the following manner: "Assume, if you will, that Catherine Zeta-Jones, Janeane Garofalo and Tori Amos get into a sweaty lesbian threesome. By some strange miracle, this union bears fruit." Her mirthfully phrased musings may make you merry.

'Als het leven geen zin heeft, dan maakt het maar zin', dat is het motto van l-rs.org, een zeker niet zinloze polderlog. Lars combineert een prettige pen met strak design en leuke links. Laatst werd zijn ontwerp gejat, altijd een bewijs van grote klasse. En nu ook nog Blog van de Week!

thanks to guest writer prol for this one!

Uno de las mejores betácoras (weblogs) en español, subte.com trata todo tipo de temas relacionados con la Internet, música y notas personales de sus autores, Raúl, Jose, y Eduardo. Con un diseño funcional y secciones tales como "encuestas" y "MP3s de la semana" subte.com es un ejemplo para quieres tienen o desean crear bitácoras en Español...con Blogger por supuesto!

props to guest writer beto for this one!

This blog is made up of shades of gray. The journal entries, however, are far from gray. Misty logs more than just her web wanderings, she documents her life wanderings. She says she enjoys writing. It shows.

best wishes go out to fiona and all of keith's family. Keith has been sharing fiona's inspiring struggles with us through his weblog. He mentions that future posts should be more up-beat, but ups and downs are a part of life. and blogs.

Prolific 2000
It's the log lady herself, logging for Europe. But her site is so much more than just the sum of its tag lines. Caroline logs about everything from life in Amsterdam to Gavin Friday to Internet culture. You can even take part in prol community on the nifty message boards. (She also has this one. And contributes to this one!)

him: php scripting and rock lyrics.
her: science fiction and cross stitching.

Sound like an unlikely pair? You bet! But the couple that blogs together stays together. Romance is the theme of this week's (first-ever) dual blog(s) of the week.

a girl, a browser, and a lot of spare time
"she's always updating with the strangest and most obscure links! I don't know how she finds them..."

"...this dame is sassy."

Keith Dawson is the author of Tasty Bits from the Technology Front. He began using Blogger last year to provide daily observations about "...bellwethers in computer and communications technology...". He was recently awarded Internet Freedom's Journalist of the Year for "...consistently high standards in writing about the Net." And now he has the coveted Blogger Blog of the Week! What could top that?

Anguilla News
We first became aware of Bob Green's weblog when Anguilla was threatened by a Category 4 hurricane last November. Bob updated his weblog frequently, giving the outside world a personal view of the storm. In the aftermath, he posted photos and information about Anguilla businesses as they repaired the damage. This Blogger blog continues to have excellent local content and a friendly voice. We've never been to Anguilla, but it's now on our list of places to visit!

This week's blog comes from Redwood City, CA. More specifically, the Redwood City Public Library. An enterprising library employee (or employees) is maintaining a weblog centered around technology as it relates to libraries. As they say, "Sometimes the connection to the sphere of the library is tenuous...but in today's world, everything has an impact on libraries..." We felt it was a great use of a weblog for a special interest.

Semi-Sarah Content
This week's blog provides "a timely informational blog about the singer/songwriter Sarah McLachlan." We love the idea of focused blogs. The editor, erica (icey) [her personal blog], even invites other McLachlan fans to contribute by using Blogger's collaborative features.

Lake Effect
Dan was one of the first Blogger users and a favorite in the weblog community. He has an encyclopedic knowledge of subjects close to most webloggers' hearts: politics, pop culture, and technology. We've been reading Dan's weblog just about every day since it began. We're glad he found us!

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