At the urging of a friend, I picked up several bottles, in order to see if it could stave off the side effects of a night out drinking. Well, Friday showed up and choices were definitely made. I downed a bottle of the ZBiotics, and at my Wife's urging, headed out to meet up at a local bar with friends. 8 hours later, when what was left of me collapsed into bed, in between trying to find my pajamas, and reminding myself that DoorDashing McDonalds at 1AM was a bad idea, I wondered, "how will I feel in the morning?"
Normally, after spending 8 hours at Liver CrossFit, I can expect the next day to basically be a throw away, as I recuperate and rehydrate on the couch. But no, My day was not to be that. I actually slept decently, and woke up at a decent hour. I strangely felt fine. I powered through my morning routines, and knocked out a Saturday full of chores. Mind you, without the usually debilitating after effects of a night out drinking. I was very surprised, and very pleased!
Now to be clear, this magical elixir is not an excuse to go out and get clown shoes every night. And granted, I made a point to drink a bit more than I normally would, so as to test this stuff a bit more aggressively. It did not disappoint. In the future, when I know my evening will be spent at a bar, I'm downing a bottle of this stuff. It kept my saturday from being wasted, and I now know that if I'm gonna potentially have drinks on a work night, ZBiotics will definitely save the next day from being a painful slog.