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Global Sourcebook for International Data Management

                                         by Graham Rhind



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For supplementary information, see links to post office home pages here External, to postal code pages here External and to other personal name and addressing issues pages here External. For supplementary information, see links to post office home pages here External, to postal code pages here External and to other personal name and addressing issues pages here External.

Table of Contents

Switzerland - Country information


Local short name form

Official name



8 962 258 (2023 estimate) [1]



International telephone access code


ISO 3166 country codes

Car nationality plate code


Internet country code


GRC Country Code


Switzerland - Number format


(where . indicates the decimal separator and ’ the thousands separator)

Switzerland - Date and time formats



The 24-hour clock notation is mainly used:


Switzerland - Languages


Switzerland has four official languages: German External, French External, Italian External and Rhaeto-Romance External. The percentage of people speaking each language as a mother tongue is as follows:

   German         63.6%
   French         19.2%
   Italian        7.6%
   Rhaeto-Romance 0.6%

The remaining 9 per cent speak other, non-indigenous, languages.

Swiss German External differs from standard German and this needs to be taken into account in mailings.

Switzerland does not suffer the same kind of tension between members of different language groups as do many other multilingual European countries, and most Swiss speak more than one of the national languages. Although some kind of border can be drawn between the areas where the different languages are spoken, in many areas there is a great deal of mixing of peoples from the different language groups.

The smallest language group, Rhaeto-Romance, is only spoken in a few isolated Alpine valleys. Despite this, it exists in a number of different dialectical forms, and until recently there was no agreement of which form should be taken as a written standard. For this reason it is rare to come across Rhaeto-Romance in addresses or names.

Switzerland - For the attention of


In the German-speaking areas, the words zu Händen, abbreviated to z.H. or z.Hd. means ‘For the attention of’. In the French-speaking areas, this is written A l’Attention du. In the Italian-speaking areas it is written A.C.A. (Alla Cortese Attenzione) or simply as Cortese. One may also use All’ Attenzione d’ before a vowel, All’ Attenzione del before a male name or All’ Attenzione della before a female name.

Switzerland - Personal names


   Note: This section last updated 14th August 2015

Double surnames are traditionally written with a hyphen and combine the surnames of a married couple with the husband’s surname in the first place and the wife’s in the second. The first surname, however, is the official family name, which will be inherited by their legitimate children. So, for example, if Werner Stauffacher is married with Gertrud Baumgarten, both may use the name Stauffacher-Baumgarten. Their children Heinrich and Verena, however, bear only the surname Stauffacher. More recently wives have been permitted by law to place their maiden name before the family name. This doubled name is written without a hyphen and is borne by the wife only. So, in the example above, the wife’s name is Gertrud Baumgarten Stauffacher, while her husband’s name is Werner Stauffacher. Again, the children’s names remain Heinrich and Verena Stauffacher.

For historical reasons, also related to the layout of Swiss keyboards, surnames/family don’t start with a capital letter with an umlaut, i.e. Ä, Ö or Ü. Ae, Oe or Ue are used instead.

Switzerland - Company names


In the German, French and Italian language areas, it is more correct, where the nature of a company is mentioned in its name, that this precedes the name of the company, thus:

   Bäcker Schmidt
   Boulangerie Dupont
   Fornaio Andretti

You will often, however, find these activity indications after the company name, thus:

   (Schmidt, Bäcker
   Schmidt (Bäcker)
   Dupont, Boulangerie
   Dupont (Boulangerie)
   Andretti, Fornaio
   Andretti (Fornaio)
   Tables of names can be acquired: given names External, surnames/family names External, family name prefixes External, forms of address External, job titles External

Switzerland - Company legal forms


The following company types will be found in company address databases:


   AG (Aktiengesellschaft)
   GmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung)
   KG (Kommanditgesellschaft)
   OHG (Offene Handelsgesellschaft)


   Affaire Personnelle
   Raison de Commerce (sole proprietorship)
   SA (Société anonyme)
   Sarl (Société à Responsabilité limitée)
   Société en commandité simple
   Société en nom collectif


   SA (Società Anonima)
   Sagl (Società a garanzia limitata)

These abbreviations will also often be encountered in company names:

   Gebr. = Gebrüder (brother, German)
   Ste. = Société (company, French)
   Cie. = Compagnie (company, French)
   Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see http:www.grcdi.nl/addresses.htm External

Switzerland - Addresses


   Note: This section last updated 18th August 2021

Addresses will be written in German, French, Italian or Rhaeto-Romance according to the language of the region. In bilingual regions, addresses may be written in either or both languages. In German-speaking areas, addresses are written in this format:

   Form of address
   Recipient name
   Thoroughfare name thoroughfare type[ ]number
   postal code[ ]TOWN NAME{[ ]sorting code}

For example:


In Italian- and French-speaking areas, the address should be written in the following format:

   Recipient name 
   thoroughfare type[ ]Thoroughfare name[ ]number 
   postal code[ ]TOWN NAME{[ ]sorting code}

For example:



In French-speaking areas, the address may still also be found written in either of the following formats:

   Recipient name
   number[ ]thoroughfare type[ ]Thoroughfare name
   postal code[ ]TOWN NAME{[ ]sorting code}


   Recipient name
   number[, ]thoroughfare type[ ]Thoroughfare name
   postal code[ ]TOWN NAME{[ ]sorting code}

In larger settlements, the settlement name may be followed by a 1- or 2-digit sorting code.

In German-speaking areas, the general rule is that the thoroughfare type part of the street address is suffixed to the rest of the address, thus:


Swiss-German is formatted differently to “standard” German, and this also applies where the thoroughfare name refers to the real name of a place (e.g. a town name, a castle name, a forest name, etc.) or to a surname ending in -er. In Germany there would be a space between the thoroughfare name and the thoroughfare type, but in Switzerland these are also written as a single word:


Where a complete personal name is used in the address, each word is written separately and there is a hyphen between the surname and the thoroughfare type, in this way:

   Willhelm Tell-Strasse 
   Karl Barth-Platz 
   Urs Graf-Strasse 

Surnames only are not covered by this exception. Thus:


In streets beginning with prepositions or some adjectives (Am, An, Alter etc.), the preposition is followed by a space, thus:

   Alte Marktstrasse 3 

In the French and Italian language regions, thoroughfare types should correctly begin with a lower case letter. Prepositions, articles etc. (e.g. de, la etc.) should also be written without a capital letter. In both the French- and the Italian-speaking regions, the thoroughfare type is written before and separately from the thoroughfare name, thus:

   rue des Noirettes 
   route de Genève 
   via Ospedale 
   viale Cattaneo

image A street name sign in Bern. Photograph: Graham Rhind

   A table containing information about the relevant position of elements within address blocks can be acquired External

Thoroughfare types


Below is a list of the most commonly occurring thoroughfare types, with the abbreviated form(s) which you are most likely to find in address databases:

German Abbreviations
Boulevard Bd.
Chaussee Ch.
Platz Pl.
Strasse Str.
French Abbreviations
avenue ave.
boulevard bd., bld.
chaussée ch., chee., chée
impasse imp.
mont / montagne mt.
place pl.
quartier qu.
route rte.
Route National RN
rue r.
square sq.
Italian Abbreviations
contrada c.da, c.da
corso c., cso., c.so, c.so
frazione fraz., fr.
largo lgo.
lungofiume (fiume can be replaced with the name of a river)  
lungolago (lago can be replaced with the name of a lake)  
lungomare (mare can be replaced with the name of a sea)  
piazza p., p.za, p.za
piazzale p.le, p.le
via v.
viale v.le, v.le, vl.
   Comprehensive tables of these strings can be acquired – see http:www.grcdi.nl/addresses.htm External

Other elements commonly found in address databases



NB: German grammar rules governing articles, prepositions and adjectives are complex, and there is no need to explain them here. It is only necessary to be able to recognise them when and where they occur in addresses. For this reason a list without further explanation is provided. As a very general rule of thumb, the prepositions and adjectives listed may have one of the following endings added: nothing; -e; -er; -em; -en or -es.

German English
der/die/das/den/dem/des the
ein/eine/eines/einen/einem/einer a, an
und and
bis till, until, up to
für for
von of, from
zu, nach to, towards
bei, bei der/den/dem (beim) near, at
an, an der/den/dem (am) at, by, towards
auf, auf der/den/dem on
in, in der/den/dem (im) in
gegenüber opposite, facing
nächst, neben, neben der/dem/den next to
unter, hinter der/den/dem behind
vor, vor der/den/dem before, in front of
zwischen, zwischen der/den/dem between, amongst
über, über der/den/dem over, above, beyond
tinter, unter der/dem/den under, beneath, below
mit with
neu/neue new
alt/alte old
kurz/kurze/kurzen/kurzer/kurzem/kurzes (K.) short
lang/lange/langen/langer/langem/langes (L./Lge.) long
gross/grosse/grossen/grosser/grossem/grosses (G.) large
klein/kleine/kleinen/kleiner/kleinem/kleines (K./Kl. /Kle.) small
nord north
ost east
süd south
west west
Sankt (St.) saint
Industrieterrein, Industriegebiet industrial estate


NB: Except where specified, the plural form of adjectives is the correctly gendered singular form followed by an ‘s’. The following abbreviations are used: (m) = masculine form; (f) = feminine form; (pl) = plural form.

French English
le (m)/la (f)/les (pl) (NB: le and la are written l’ before a vowel or an unaspirated h) the
un (m)/une (f) a, an
et and
à/au (m)/à la (f)/aux (pl) till, until, up to, to
pour for
de (before a proper noun)/du (m)/de la, de 1’ (f)/des (pl) of, from
à at
près de by, near to
sur on (a river, the sea)
dans in
en face de opposite
à côté de next to
derrière behind
devant in front
entre between
avec with
sous under
lès (occurs only in place names) near
nouveau (m)/nouvelle (f)/nouveaux (m.pl.)/nouvelles (f.pl.) / nouvel (m, before a vowel or unaspirated h) new
vieux (m, pl)/vieille (f)/vielles (f.pl.)/vieil (m, before a vowel or an unaspirated h) old
court (m) (Ct.)/courte (f) (Cte.) short
long (m) (Lg.)/longue (f) (Lgue.) long
grand (m) (Gr./Grd.)/grande (f) (Gr./Grde.) large
petit (m) (P./Pt.)/petite (f) (P./Pte.) small
nord north
est east
sud south
ouest west
saint (m) (St.)/sainte (f) (Ste.) saint
Parc Industriel, Zone d’Activités (Z.A.C.), Zone Industrielle (Z.I.), Zone Artisanale (Z.A.) industrial estate


NB: The form which certain common words take in Italian depends on a number of factors such as the gender of the following word, whether the next word is the definite article, whether the first letter of the next word is a vowel or a consonant, and whether that consonant is a z, ps or an s+consonant. As this is rather complex, no explanation is given for each form but, where more than one form exists, each form is given.

Italian English
il/i/l’/gli/lo/la/le the
un/uno/una/un’ a, an
e and
fino a, sino a till, until
per for
di of
del/dei/dell’/ degli/dello/della/delle of the
verve, a, in to, towards
al, allo, alla, ai, agli, alle towards the
presso, vicino a, accanto a near, by, next to
su on (sea, a river), over
sul, sulla, sullo, sulle, sella on the
in in
nel, nello, nella, a in the
in faccia a, di fronte (a), dirimpetto (a) opposite
dietro, dope, addietro, didietro behind
davanti a, dinanzi a in front of
fra, tra between
sotto under
sopra over
con with
nuovo, nuova, nuovi, nuove new
vecchio, vecchie, vecchia, vecchi old
corto, corta, carte, corti short
lungo, lunge, lunghi, lunghe long
grande, grandi large
piccolo, piccola, piccoli, piccole small
nord, del nord, settentrionale north
est, dell’est, orientale east
ovest, dell’ovest, occidentale west
sud, del sud, meridionale south
Sann (masculine), Santa (feminine), Sant’ (before a vowel), Santo (before a name beginning with a z, ps or s + consonant; e.g. Santo Stefano) (abbreviated to S., St., Sta.) Saint
Zona Industriale industrial estate

Switzerland - Post office box


   Note: This section last updated 2nd June 2024

This is written as Postfach, abbreviated to PF, in German; Case Postale, abbreviated to CP, in French; and Casella Postale, abbreviated to CP in Italian.

Post office box addresses post office box numbers may also be found as customers may pay for mail to be delivered to post office addresses for earlier receipt, in which case the address would have the format [2]:

   Klaus Steinmeier 
   Postfach 3000 
   BERN 3 

Switzerland - Postal codes


   Note: This section last updated 7th January 2024

Postal codes (Postleitzahl (PLZ), Numéro Postal d’Acheminement (NPA) or Numero di Avviamento Postale (NPA)) consist of a block of 4 digits. The initial digit indicates the largest postal regions (routing areas), and can be any number between 1 and 9. The second digit indicates the region within this area (routing district). The third digit indicates the route, and the fourth the destination locality. The postal code areas do not correspond well to administrative boundaries. Most municipalities have their own number, although some numbers are shared and some numbers cover more than one municipality. In the latter cases, the municipality containing the distribution centre is used in the address, with the actual habitation address on the preceding line. The postal code is placed before and on the same line as the town name. Larger population centres have an additional digit after the town name to indicate the sorting district. The streets belonging to each postal district are listed in the telephone book of the area concerned.

Because physical access to the settlement of Büsingen in Germany is easier through Switzerland, it been ascribed the following postal codes by the Swiss Post Office:

   8238 BÜSINGEN (German postal code 78266) 

Before 2020 this was also the case for Campione d’Italia (Italian postal code 22060), but Swiss Post handed over postal responsibilities to Poste Italiane at that time, and the Swiss code for this settlement (6911) is no longer valid [3].

Liechtenstein has been assigned the Swiss postal codes between 9485 and 9497.

As mentioned above, although most parts of Switzerland belong firmly to one or other language region, there are a number of areas where a language mix occurs. Rhaeto-Romance was, until recently, only a spoken language, so addresses in Rhaeto-Romance-speaking regions are usually written in German. This is a fluid situation and may change. Using the postal code, it is usually possible with a fair degree of accuracy to identify the language in which the address will be given, although, of course, the contents of the mailing should be done in the language of the recipient rather than the language of the area. The lists below show the postal codes belonging to each lan­guage area. Note that not all numbers in the sequence from 1000 to 9999 have been utilized; you can find out which postal codes do not exist by referring to the postal code lists published by the Swiss PTT.


1000-1589, 1602-1654, 1661-1699, 1701, 1720-1721, 1723-1728, 1730-1733, 1740-1782, 1785-1789, 1800-2074, 2087-2416, 2515-2525, 2534-2539, 2603-2746, 2748-2812, 2822-2826, 2828-2954, 3960-3968, 3971-3979


1655-1657, 1711-1719, 1734-1738, 1792-1795, 1797, 2076, 2512-2514, 2540-2578, 2813-2814, 3000-3274, 3282-3284, 3286-3954, 3969-3970, 3981-6493, 7000-7563, 7710, 8000-8236, 8239-9479, 9500-9658

Note that there are Rhaeto-Romance-speaking settlements in the following postal code areas: 70, 71, 72, 75.

(Note that postal codes 9485-9497 belong to Liechtenstein and not Switzerland.)

(Note that 8238 Büsingen is in Germany, German postal code = 78266.)


6500-6910, 6912-6999, 7602-7610, 7741-7748

(Note that 6911 Campione d’Italia is in Italy, Italian postal code = 22060.)

Predominantly French with German

1595 (Faourg), 1700 (Fribourg, German minority very small), 1722 (Bourgillon), 1729 (Bonnefontaine), 1783 (Pensier), 1784 (Courtepin), 1791 (Courtaman), 1796 (Courgevaux), 2075 (Thielle-Wavre), 2747 (Corcelles BE only - Seehof, with the same postal code, is German speaking), 2827 (Mervelier)

Predominantly German with French

2532 (Magglingen/Macolin), 2533 (Evilard), 3280 (Murten), 3285 (Galmiz)

Bilingual German/French

2500-2505 (Biel/Bienne)

Metadata containing postal code formatting rules, exceptions and regular expressions can be acquired External

Switzerland - Postal code format graphic


Switzerland - Postal code format

Switzerland - Postal code specifics

Switzerland - Postal code regular expression


Switzerland - Postal code level of coverage


Switzerland - Postal code map


image Click on the map for a larger version

Place names in Switzerland


   Note: This section last updated 28th August 2015

In the French-speaking areas, place names consisting of more than one word are hyphenated with the exception of places beginning with the words le or la, where there is a space between this word and the next (other words in the same place name will be hyphenated).

As Switzerland has four official languages, most large towns have equivalent names in the other languages. The following lists give the correct town name in the local language and the equivalent names in the other official languages. As well as a list for each indigenous language, a list is provided of equivalent names in other European languages. Whatever the name of the town in the local language, the Swiss Post Office will process equally efficiently mail with towns names spelt in one of the other official languages.

The lists of alternative place names include the postal codes and the canton abbreviation for each of the settlements concerned.

German-speaking areas

For historical reasons, also related to the layout of Swiss keyboards, German-language placenames don’t start with a capital letter with an umlaut, i.e. Ä, Ö or Ü. Ae, Oe or Ue are used instead.

Canton/Postal code German French Italian Rhaeto-Romance
BS 4000-4091 Basel Bâle Basilea  
BE 3000-3030 Bern Berne Berna Berna
VS 3900 Brig Brigue  
GR 7000-7007 Chur Coire Coira Cuira / Cuoira / Cuera
GR 7142 Cumbel     Cumbels
GR 7180 Disentis     Mustér
GR 7017 Flims Dorf     Flem Vitg
GR 7018 Flims Waldhuis     Flem Casa d’Uaul
FR 3284 Fräschels Frasses (Lac)    
BE 2076 Gals Chules    
BE 3236 Gampelen Champion    
FR 3215 Gempenach Champagny    
FR 1735 Giffers Chevrilles    
GL 8750 Glarus   Glarona  
SO 2540 Grenchen Granges    
FR 3212 Gurmels Cormondes    
FR 1655 Im Fang La Villette    
FR 3210 Kerzers Chiètres    
SO 4245 Kleinlützel Petit-Lucelle    
LU 6000-6009 Luzern Lucerne Lucerna Lucerna
SA 3953 Leuk Stadt Loèche-la-Ville    
SA 3954 Leukerbad Loèche-les-Bains    
BE 2514 Ligerz Gléresse    
GR 7516 Maloja     Malögia
BE 1797 Münchenwiler Villars-les-Moines    
FR 3286 Muntelier Montilier    
BE 3225 Müntschemier Monsmier    
FR 3280 Murten Morat    
GR 7133-7136 Obersaxen     Sursaissa
VD 1595 Pfauen Faoug    
BE 2542 Pieterlen Perles    
FR 1716 Plaffeien Planfayon    
GR 7504 Pontresina     Puntraschigna
VS 3942 Raron Rarogne    
FR 1718 Rechthalten Dirlaret    
BE 3792 Saanen Gessenay    
GR 7151 Schluein     Schleuis
FR 1711 Schwarzsee Lac-Noir    
VS 3970 Salgesch Salquenen    
FR 1794 Salvenach Salvagny    
SG 9000 Sankt Gallen Saint-Gall San Gallo  
GR 7500 Sankt Moritz     San Murezzan
FR 1717 Sankt Ursen Saint-Ours    
SH 8200 Schaffhausen Schaffhouse Sciaffusa  
BE 2747 Seehof Elay    
SO 4500 Solothurn Soleure Soletta  
VS 3952 Susten La Souste    
FR 1712 Tafers Tavel    
GR 7015 Tamins     Tumein
FR 3912 Termen Thermen    
BE 3600 Thun Thoune    
GR 7430 Thusis     Tusaun
VS 3946 Turtmann Tourtemagne    
BE 2513 Twann Douanne    
FR 3214 Ulmiz Ormay    
GR 7132 Vals     Val San Pieder
VS 3969 Varen Varonne    
VS 3930 Visp Viège    
SP 4716 Welschenrohr Rosières    
ZG 6300-6310 Zug Zoug Zugo  
ZH 8000-8099 Zürich Zurich Zurigo Turitg

French-speaking areas

Canton/Postal code French German Italian
VD 1860 Aigle Älen  
FR 1669 Albeuve Weisbach  
JU 2942 Alle Hall  
FR 1732 Arconciel Ergenzach  
JU 2954 Asuel Hasenburg  
VD 1742 Autigny Ottenach  
VD 1580 Avenches Wifflisburg  
VS 1934 Bagnes Bangis  
FR 1783 Barberêche Bärfischen  
JU 2854 Bassecourt Altdorf  
FR 1782 Belfaux Gumschen  
BE 2744 Belprahon Tiefenbach  
JU Berlincourt Berlinsdorf  
JU 2935 Beurnevésin Brischwiler  
BE 2735 Bévilard Bewiler  
VD 1880 Bex Beis  
JU 2856 Boécourt Biestingen  
JU 2926 Boncourt Bubendorf  
JU 2944 Bonfol Pumpfel  
FR 1724 Bonnefontaine Muffethan  
FR 1652 Botterens Botteringen  
VS 1946 Bourg-Saint-Pierre Sankt Petersburg  
FR 1722 Bourguillon Bürglen  
JU 2803 Bourrignon Bürkis  
VS 1932 Bovernier Birnier  
FR 1636 Broc Brock  
FR 1630, 1635 Bulle Boll  
FR 1654 Cerniat Scherni  
VS 3966 Chalais Schalei  
VS 1955 Chamoson Tschamboss  
FR 1637 Charmey Galmis  
JU 2947 Charmoille Kalmis  
FR 1653 Châtel-sur-Montsalvens Kastels  
JU 2854 Châtillon Kastel  
JU 2906 Chevenez Kevenach  
VS 3965 Chippis Zippis  
JU Choindez Schwende  
VS 1964 Conthey Gundis  
JU 2826 Corban Bettendorf  
FR 1647 Corbières Korbers  
FR 1792 Cordast Grossguschelmuth  
FR 1782 Cormagens Cormasing  
FR Cormérod Kormerat  
FR 1720 Corminboeuf Sankt Jörg  
NE 2087 Cornaux Curnau  
JU 2952 Cornol Gundelsdorf  
FR 1741 Cottens Cottingen  
JU Courcelon Sollendorf  
JU 2825 Courchapoix Gebsdorf  
JU 2922 Courchavon Vogtsburg  
JU 2950 Courgenay Jennsdorf  
FR 2830 Courgevaux Gurwolf  
FR 2822 Courlevon Kurlevon  
FR Cournillens Kurlin  
JU 2830 Courrendlin Rennendorf  
JU 2822 Courroux Lüttelsdorf  
JU 2852 Courtételle Cortittel  
FR 1785 Cressier Grissach  
NE 2088 Cressier Grissach  
JU 2800 Delémont Delsberg  
JU 2802 Develier Dietwiler  
BE 2517 Diesse Tess  
VD 1040 Echallens Tscherlitz  
FR 1646 Echarlens Scharlingen  
FR 1665, 1666, 1667 Enney Zum Schnee  
JU Envelier Weiler  
NE 2074 Epagnier Spaniz  
BE 2743 Eschert Eschendorf  
FR 1731 Espendes Spinz  
FR Essert Ried  
FR 1665, 1666, 1667 Estavannens Estavanning  
VD 1470 Estavayer-le-Lac Stäffis am See  
VD 1595 Faoug Pfauen  
FR 1724 Ferpicloz Picheln  
JU 2953 Fregiécourt Fridlinsdorf  
FR 1700-1701 Fribourg Freiburg Friburgo
BE 2535 Frinvillier Friedliswart / Fridlinsschwanden  
VS 1926 Fully Füllien  
GE 1200-1211 +1289 Genève Genf Ginevra
FR 1762 Givisiez Siebenzach  
JU 2855 Glovelier Lietingen  
JU 2908 Grandfontaine Langenbrunn  
VD 1422 Grandson Gransee  
BE 2743 Grandval Granfelden  
FR 1666 Grandvillard Großwiler  
FR 1614 Granges Gradetsch  
FR 1763 Granges-Paccot Zur Schüren  
VS 1971 Grimisuat Grimseln  
VS 3979 Grône Grün  
FR 1663 Gruyères Greyerz  
FR 1643, 1644, 1645 Gumefens Gümefingen  
NE 2068 Hauterive Altenryf  
VS 1987 Hérémence Amensi / Ermenz  
VS Hérens Ering  
BE 2743 Lamboing Lamlingen  
BE 2520 La Neuveville Neuenstadt  
FR 1634 La Roche Zur Flüh  
VD 1000-1007 +1010-1018 Lausanne Losanen Losanna
NE 2525 Le Landeron Landern  
VS 1978 Lens Leis  
FR 1661 Le Pâquier Rinderweide  
VD 1669 Lessoc Lissingen  
VD 1854 Leysin Leissins  
NE 2523 Lignières Lineri  
JU 2807 Lucelle Lützel  
VD 1522 Lucens Losingen  
FR 1723 Marly Mertenlach  
FR 1633 Marsens Marsingen  
VS 1920 Martigny Martinach  
JU 2827 Mervelier Morschwiler  
JU 2806 Mettembert Mettemberg  
FR 3280 Meyriez Merlach  
JU 2946 Miécourt Mieschdorf  
VS 3972 Miège Miesen  
VD 1669 Montbovon Bubenberg  
JU 2828 Montsevelier Mutzwiler  
BE 2713 Mont-Tramelan Bergtramlingen  
VD 1110 Morges Morsee  
FR 1638 Morlon Morlung  
VD 1510 Moudin Milden  
BE 2740 Moutier Münster  
JU 2812 Movelier Moderschwil  
VD 1669 Neirivue Schwarzwasser  
VS 1997 Nendaz Neind / Neindt  
NE 2000 Neuchâtel Neuenburg  
FR 1740 Neyruz Rauschenbach  
BE 2518 Nods Nos  
FR 1425 Onnens Onningen  
VD 1350 Orbe Orbach  
VD 1865 Ormont-Dessus Ormund  
BR 2534 Orvin Ifflingen  
VD 1530 Payerne Peterlingen  
BE 2742 Perrefitte Pfeffert  
BE 2603 Péry Büderich  
BE 2536 Plagne Pleen  
JU 2807 Pleigne Pleen  
JU 2953 Pleujouse Blitzhausen  
FR 1649 Pont-la-Ville Ponnendorf  
JU 2900 Porrentruy Pruntrut  
FR Praroman Perroman  
BE 2515 Prêles Prägelz  
JU 2832 Rebeuvelier Rippertswil  
BE 2717 Rebévelier Ruppertswiler  
JU Recolaine Riklingen  
BE 2732 Reconvilier Rockwiler  
BE 2616 Renan Rennen  
FR 1632 Riaz Zum Rad  
VS 1908 Riddes Riden  
JU Riedes-Dessus Oberriderwald  
JU 2912 Roche-d’Or Goldenfels  
BE 2538 Romont Rothmund  
JU 2842 Rossemaison Rottmund  
FR 1728 Rossens Rossing  
VD 1659 Rougemont Retschmund  
NE 2072 Saint-Blaise Sankt Blasien  
BE 2610 Saint-Imier Sankt Immer  
VS 1890 Saint-Maurice Sankt Moritz  
JU 2882 Saint-Ursanne Sankt Ursitz  
VS 1922 Salvan Scharwang  
VS 1965 Savièse Safiesch  
JU 2888 Seleute Schelten  
VS 1933 Sembrancher Sankt Brancher  
VS 3960 Siders Sierre  
VS 1950 Sion Sitten  
FR 1642 Sorens Schoringen  
BE 2716 Sornetan Sornethal  
BE 2736 Sorvilier Surbeln  
JU 2864 Soulce Sulz  
JU 2805 Soyhières Saugern  
BE 2710 Tavannes Dachsfelden  
NE 2075 Thielle Häusern-Wabern  
BE 2720 Tramelan Tramlingen  
FR 1733 Treyvaux Treffels  
BE 2512 Tüscherz-Alfermée Daucher  
JU 2863 Undervelier Unterwiler  
BE 2537 Vauffelin Füglisthal  
FR 1627 Vaulruz Thalbach  
JU 2943 Vendlincourt Wendelinsdorf  
VS 3973 Venthône Venthen  
JU 2829 Vermes Pferdmund  
VD 1800 Vevy Vivis  
JU 2824 Vicques Wix  
FR 1583 Villarepos Ruppertswil  
FR 1665, 1666, 1667 Villars-sous-Mont Wiler am Berg  
VS 1941 Vollèges Village  
JU Vorbourg Vorburg  
FR 1628 Vuadens Wüdingen  
FR Vuippens Wippingen  
VD 1786, 1788 Vully Wistenlach  
VD 1400 Yverdon Ifferten  

Italian-speaking areas

Canton/Postal code Italian German French
TI 6982 Agno Eng  
TI 6780, 6781 Airolo Eriels  
TI 6612 Ascona Aschgunen  
TI 6500-6506 Bellinzona Bellenz Bellenz
TI 6710 Biasca Abläsch / Ablentschen / Ablentsch  
TI Bondo Bundth  
GR 3792 Bregaglia Bergell  
GR 7743 Brusio Brüs  
GR 7608 Castasegna Castasengen  
TI 6830 Chiasso Pias  
TI Dongio Denntsch  
TI 6760 Faido Pfaid  
TI 6745 Giornico Irnis  
TI 6512 Giubiasco Siebenäsch  
TI 6810 Isone Son  
TI 6600 Locarno Luggarus  
TI 6900-6917, 6932, 6951, 6959, 6962-6968, 6974-6979 Lugano Lauis  
TI 6713 Malvaglia Manglia  
TI 6850 Mendrisio Mendris  
GR 6563 Mesocco Misox  
TI 6951 Odogno Lelgio  
TI 6703 Osogna Ulonia  
TI/GR Passo del Lucomagno Lukmanierpass  
TI 6742 Pollegio Klösterli  
GR 7742 Poschiavo Puschlav  
TI 6777 Quinto Quint im Livinental  
GR 6535 Roveredo Roffle  
GR 6562 Soazza Sowaz / Zauatz  
GR 7610 Soglio Sils im Bergell  
GR 7603 Vicosoprano Vespran  

Rhaeto-Romance-speaking areas

Canton/Postal code Rhaeto-Romance Gernan Italian
GR 7159 Andiast Andest  
GR 7165 Breil/Brail Brigels  
GR 7126 Castrisch Kästris  
GR 7142 Cumbel Cumbels  
GR 7176 Cumpadials Compadials  
GR 7542 Cunter Cunters im Oberhalbstein  
GR 7153 Falera Fellers  
GR 7130 Glion Ilanz  
GR 7145 Degen Igels  
GR 7013 Domat Ems  
GR 7433 Donat Donath  
GR 7153 Falera Fellers  
GR 7522 La-Punt-Chamues Reichenau  
GR 7142 Lumnezia Lugnez  
GR 6563 Mesocco Misox  
GR 7537 Müstair Münster  
GR 7522 La-Punt-Chamues-ch   Pont-Campovasto
GR 7141 Luven Luvis  
GR 7184 Medel Medels im Oberland  
GR 7458 Mon Mons  
GR 7455 Mulegns Mühlen  
GR 7156 Pigniu Panix  
GR 7152 Sagogn Sagens  
GR 7462 Salouf Salux  
GR 7503 Samadan Samaden  
GR 7151 Schluein Schleuis  
GR 7550 Scuol Schuls  
GR 7127 Sevgein Seewis im Oberland  
GR 7174 S. Benedetg St. Benedikt San Benedetto
GR 7157 Siat Seth  
GR 7459 Stierva Stürvis  
GR 7175 Sumvitg Somvix  
GR 7173 Surrein Surrhein  
GR 7270 Tavo Davos  
GR 7166 Trun Truns  
GR 7188 Tujetsch Tavetsch  
GR 7144 Vella Villa  
GR 7147 Vignogn Vigens  

NB: 2500-2505 Biel/Bienne is a bilingual (French/German) town, and therefore is usually known by its French and German names together - hence Biel/Bienne. Its Italian equivalent is Bienna. There is another town called Biel, with the postal code 4105, known as Biel-Benken.

Refer to Exonyms in Switzerland for full lists of place names in Switzerland in other languages.

   Alternate place name forms/postal code tables can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/settlements.htm External
   Other language place name data can be acquired at http://www.grcdi.nl/otherlanguageplace.htm External

Switzerland - Administrative districts


Switzerland is a federation of 26 cantons External (of which 6 are demi-cantons) (cantons, singular - canton in French; cantoni, singular - cantone in Italian; kantone, singular - kanton in German). These, with their abbreviations and languages spoken, are listed below:

NB: *= demi-canton

(G) = German; (F) = French; (I ) = Italian; (R) = Rhaeto-Romance

(Demi-)Canton Abbreviation + language(s)
Aargau External AG (G)
* Appenzell Innerrhoden External AI (G)
* Appenzell Ausserrhoden External AR (G)
* Basel Landschaft External BL (G)
* Basel Stadt External BS (G)
Bern/Berne External BE (G & F)
Fribourg External FR (F & G)
Genève External GE (F)
Glarus External GL (G)
Graubünden External GR (G & R & I)
Jura External JU (F)
Luzern External LU (G)
Neuchâtel External NE (F)
* Nidwalden External NW(G)
* Obwalden External OW(G)
Sankt Gallen External SG (G)
Schaffhausen External SH (G)
Schwyz External SZ (G)
Solothurn External SO (G)
Thurgau External TG (G)
Ticino External TI (I)
Uri External UR (G)
Vallais/Wallis External VS (F & G)
Vaud External VD (F)
Zug External ZG (G)
Zürich External ZH (G)

The canton abbreviations are often added to addresses after, and on the same line as, the town name, but they are not necessary provided that the postal code is used, and the Swiss PTT prefers that they are excluded from addresses.

Settlements with the abbreviation FL (Fürstentum Liechtenstein) following their name are not in Switzerland but in the neighbouring country of Liechtenstein.

Administrative districts graphic


Telephone numbers in Switzerland


Swiss area codes have 2 digits when called from abroad, and full numbers have 9 digits. Mobile numbers have the area codes between 74 and 79.


  1. ^ citypopulation.de/en/switzerland/admin/ External 20241027
  2. ^ [1] Paulo Magalhães – obrigado! https://www.post.ch/-/media/post/gk/dokumente/postfach-factsheet.pdf External 20250602
  3. ^ www.post.ch/it/chi-siamo/attualita/2019/campione-d-italia-entra-nello-spazio-doganale-europeo External 20240107

Every effort is made to keep this resource updated. If you find any errors, or have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact the author.

All information copyright Graham Rhind 2025. Any information used should be acknowledged and referenced.

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