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- Avec l'aide de ses nouveaux amis, Alex Danyliuk se tourne vers une vie de crime et d'usurpation d'identité.
- A young, ambitious businessman gradually loses his friends - and his soul - as he tries to keep his elaborate Ponzi scheme afloat with acts of fraud, deception and even murder.
- Three Wall Street bankers, a pair of crooks, and a millionaire are betrayed, manipulated and exploited by the efforts of a ruthless woman.
- Renown violinist Susanne Hou's final performance with 300-year-old violin, together with the London Symphony Orchestra, set against the phenomenal tale of Beethoven's violin concerto and her father's political incarceration in China.
- A doctor discovers the cure to cancer but then finds himself in trouble when it comes time to sell it.
- A young thief attempts to rob a richer, older man, but soon realizes that he has more in common with his victim than he originally thought.