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- We are all influenced by the films we watch, though not perhaps so much as the characters found in this short. First there is Z, the fish'n'chips-loving, 'man in black' Asian guy who makes a dubious living selling, stealing and selling again the same battered old VCR. His customers include Q, an Irish girl with a sideline in drug smuggling and a penchant for Bollywood movies, music and clothes, and who sets out for revenge when she discovers her new VCR is stolen again. Running literally riot through the film is a couch potato who has finally donned his 80s Adidas tracksuit, a la superman. Influenced by the action movies he's fed himself with, he decides to wreak havoc on women, children and the old. Then there is Mod, the black guy with a taste for Kung Fu films, nunchaku and Football Italia, the final buyer of the VCR and instrumental in the dramatic and hilarious climax of the film.
- Tired of infestation of cockroaches in her house but unwilling to kill them, Amy drunkenly wishes for the Pied Piper to come and whisk them away.