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- Due individui con tendenze autodistruttive si innamorano e tentano di mantenere una relazione.
- Jimmy and Gretchen find themselves falling for each other despite their better judgment.
- Jimmy attempts to take Gretchen on a date.
- Gretchen inadvertently asks Jimmy for a key to his house.
- Gretchen makes Jimmy come over to her disaster of an apartment.
- 2014–201925mTV-MA8,3 (504)Episodio TVAn episode spanning the course of nearly three years, we see the events that lead up to Gretchen and Jimmy meeting.
- After Jimmy accidentally sleeps with an A-List celebrity, he and Gretchen embark on a sex arms race to even out their score.
- Jimmy and Gretchen take their relationship to the next level.
- Jimmy begrudgingly joins Gretchen, Edgar, and Lindsay on a "Sunday Funday."
- Jimmy opens up emotionally, which completely freaks Gretchen out.
- Jimmy meets Gretchen's parents.
- A newly co-habitating Jimmy and Gretchen avoid a life of domesticity by partying non-stop. Edgar obsesses over Lindsay while an oblivious Lindsay makes a desperate attempt to reconcile with her husband.
- Jimmy attends Becca and Vernon's baby gender reveal party. Gretchen takes care of some unfinished business. Edgar and Dorothy's relationship reaches a turning point. Lindsay confronts Paul.
- The gang visit the mall so Gretchen can buy grown-up items while Edgar gets used.
- Gretchen makes an attempt to reconnect with her old group of friends by throwing herself a housewarming party. Jimmy does his best to affirm his belief that friends are for babies. Edgar continues his pursuit of Lindsay, and Lindsay meets her estranged husband's new girlfriend.
- Jimmy spends the day with an eccentric author on a day-long job interview. Gretchen deals with a work crisis. Edgar discovers the magic of improv comedy. And Lindsay gets served with divorce papers.
- Jimmy accepts a job novelizing television shows. Gretchen and Lindsay realize they have nothing interesting to talk about, except the men in their lives. Edgar meets someone special in his improv class.
- Jimmy discovers Gretchen's been sneaking out of the house at night and suspects she's having an affair. Lindsay's life spirals as she discovers she doesn't know how to live on her own. Edgar takes Dorothy out on a date.
- 2014–201924mTV-MA8,8 (535)Episodio TVThe group tries to get rid of a mouse in Jimmy's house; Gretchen finally opens up to Jimmy.