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- Dopo la condanna del marito di Betsy, Russ, l'omicidio di Betsy Faria nel 2011 ha innescato una catena di eventi che avrebbe smascherato uno schema diabolico che coinvolgeva profondamente Pam Hupp.
- Explore the Trump administration's controversial family separation policy which saw parents and children separated from each other at the Mexico-US border in 2018.
- Serie TVJohn Wayne Gacy esplora le vite delle vittime mentre denuncia i fallimenti sistemici che hanno alimentato i suoi omicidi.
- L'agghiacciante storia di uno dei serial killer più famosi al mondo, raccontata da lui stesso e da coloro le cui vite sono state cambiate per sempre dalle sue azioni e da coloro che credono che la piena verità rimane nascosta fino a oggi.
- Il libro più venduto di Shere Hite, The Hite Report, ha liberato l'orgasmo femminile rivelando le esperienze più private di migliaia di sondaggi anonimi. Le sue scoperte hanno scosso l'establishment americano su genere e sessualità.
- Attraverso interviste audio esclusive con Richard Ramirez, la sua famiglia e sua moglie, esplora come un'infanzia contorta e la tossicodipendenza abbiano permesso a un giovane problematico di diventare un famigerato serial killer.
- Tre individui che hanno superato la vergogna, la segretezza e la chirurgia non autorizzata durante la loro infanzia per godersi un'età adulta di successo.
- L'arroganza, la genialità e la determinazione di un uomo hanno cambiato per sempre la forma e la natura della guerra. E dopo aver causato morte, distruzione e isteria di massa, lo ha portato su un sentiero di profonda disperazione.
- Approfondisce il modello di violenza e di menzogna patologica di Joran van der Sloot, attraverso rare interviste e nuovi approfondimenti, anni dopo il brutale omicidio dell'americana Natalee Holloway e della peruviana Stephany Flores.
- As Trump's presidency begins, explore the American militia movement linked to the Jan 6 riots, with unique access to newly freed Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes and his de-radicalised son Dakota.
- John Leguizamo explores thriving Latino communities across the U.S., celebrating their culture, history, food, and contributions to society.
- Revisits the story of Terri Schiavo, a deeply personal decade-long saga that captivated the country and forced Americans to reckon with profound issues at the intersection of faith and politics that reverberate to this day.
- Through personal video diaries and dance, three teens Amelia, Dedra, and Teylar navigate identity, gender norms, and realize dreams of college, medicine or business.
- When the smart money was betting GameStop would go under, an army of irreverent traders tried to take Wall Street down instead. Diamond Hands is their story. This is the legend of the subreddit/WallStreetBets.
- Sheds light on the criminal justice system by following a journalist and a man convicted of murder and the connection they formed within the walls of Sing Sing Correctional Facility.
- In the new four-part E. series Black Pop: Celebrating the Power of Black Culture, the contributions of Black Americans in television, movies, sports, and film are documented. The special event will cover all genres of pop culture and entertainment - celebrating music from the gospel roots of Mahalia Jackson to the Motown sound, the 50th anniversary of hip-hop, Black culture's indisputable impact on fashion, television trailblazers from Diahann Carroll to Oprah Winfrey, sports legends like Sugar Ray Leonard and Laila Ali, the evolution of Black films and the pivotal talents that paved the way - all creating a cultural legacy that set the tone.
- Documentary collects accounts of 9/11, recorded in the months after the attacks, and present-day testimonials from the same eyewitnesses.
- A docuseries focusing on America's complicated relationship with race through the lense of the residents of Teaneck, N.J.
- Tells the story of a man convicted of murder, a journalist, and the letter that changed both of their lives.
- How do we make sense of this unprecedented moment in history? Why is this all happening? This series try to answer these questions. Writers, experts and thinkers who are also trying to get to the bottom of them join Chris to break it down.
- Serie TV
- The latest developments on the impeachment of President Donald Trump. What's happening in Washington and why it matters for the nation. Powered by NBC News journalists. Hosted by Steve Kornacki, National Political Correspondent.
- A young man's disappearance leads police to Gacy's home, where his horrifying crimes are discovered.
- An examination of Gacy's past reveals evidence that authorities knew he was a sexual predator.