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- Ein Fremder kommt in ein kleines Dorf. Bald darauf breitet sich eine geheimnisvolle Krankheit aus. Ein Polizist wird in das Geschehen involviert und sieht sich gezwungen, das Geheimnis zu lösen, um seine Tochter zu retten.
- Eine Familie wird von den Tragödien der Todesfälle in der Familie heimgesucht.
- Eine taube Mutter und ihre Tochter unterbrechen einen Serien-Psychopathen, als dieser versucht, sein nächstes Opfer zu fordern, und sein Zorn stattdessen auf sie gerichtet wird.
- Beunruhigende Visionen über abschreckende Unfälle. Post-traumatischer Gedächtnisverlust. Und der verzweifelte Kampf einer Frau, um die Wahrheit über ihre Vergangenheit aufzudecken.
- Story of a rivalry between two tailors Dol-Seok, who is the best master artisan in charge of royal attire and Kong-Jin - genius like designer, born with dexterity and an excellent sense, plunges the court into scandal and tragedy.
- Eine Darstellung der Schlacht von Incheon während des Koreakrieges im Jahr 1950.
- Eine schwächlicher Highschool-Schüler und ein austrainierter Gangster tauschen auf magische Weise versehentlich ihre Körper.
- A teenage girl tries to continue her normal social and school life, after her grandfather forces her into an arranged marriage with a man in his twenties.
- Ein mysteriöses drama um einen Vater dreht, der eine unethische Tat begeht, um das Leben seiner Tochter zu retten. Drei Jahre später kehren seine Handlungen zurück, um ihn zu verfolgen und ihn in einer endlosen Zeitschleife gefangen zu halten.
- South Korean National Security Service normally deals with North Korea, but now NSS must deal with IRIS terrorists with a nuke.
- IRIS Spin-Off about a new agency, called the National Anti-Terror Service (NTS), as they go up against another secret terrorist organization, called Athena.
- Ein Mann, der in den Außenbezirken von Busan geboren und aufgewachsen ist, wird in einen Gangsterkrieg um sein Überleben verwickelt.
- The damage caused by the humidifier disinfectant disaster reveals the truth of the mysterious deaths of victims without perpetrators, and informs the world of the pain of the victims and their bereaved families, which is still ongoing.
- A wimpy, incompetent bank clerk decides to become a pro wrestler.
- An orphan student gets to live with a miserable, almost isolated old lady, who trusts no one. Several ups and downs and awkward moments, finally transform the student to adult and the old lady to an open and fuller human being.
- Kim Kyung-ho is fired by his university after he questioned the validity of a math question in its entrance exam. Kim files a lawsuit against the university, but it is dismissed. Out of frustration he confronts the judge with a crossbow. Kim is arrested. He says that he did not shoot the judge but the judge insists he did.
- Soo-hyuk, eine Grundschullehrerin in einem ländlichen Dorf, hat ein Geheimnis. Jeden Abend verwandelt sich seine Frau Yi-young in eine andere Person.
- Hyo-jeong, a 69-year-old woman, is raped by a male nurse aide. But few people, including the police, are willing to believe her words. Most people question whether that handsome young man really would have done so. The male nurse aide claims that it was a consensual sexual relationship. Only Dong-in, who loves Hyo-jeong dearly, is cooing to free her from her injustice.
- Jung-hoon and Si-hoo, both fresh from breakups, make a pact to have nine casual flings. As their encounters continue, their connection intensifies, blurring the lines between friendship and love.
- Due to that accident, Yi-Young loses her memory and Soo-Jin goes missing. Under that situation, Yi-Young regains her diving skills, but her strong desire to keep her position as a diva and Soo-Jin's disappearance push her into madness.
- In einem Gemeindezentrum, in dem Jahre zuvor ein Massenmord stattgefunden hat, entdeckt ein paranormaler Ermittler eine Tür zu einer anderen Welt.
- After getting into a big trouble, Choi Ji-hoon is transferred to Daehoon High, the worst school in Korea. Ji-hoon's goal is simple, he wants to become the top dog of the new school. Once he reaches his class, he gets in the face of everyone, trying to pick a fight, but none will bite. The school bell rings and everyone gets up and leave for somewhere. Ji-hoon follows Yong-sik out of the classroom. They arrive in the basement, where a fight club is in progress. The only rule of the fight club is that whoever wins becomes the top dog for the year.
- Man-Bok (Shim Eun-Kyung) is a high school student. She suffers from severe motion sickness and can't ride any vehicle as a result. As she can't tale the bus to school she has to walk for 2 hours everyday to attend classes which leaves her too tired to focus in classes. When a teacher finds this out she decides that Man-Bok might have a talent for walking as she seems to have a lot of stamina and introduces her to the sports coach. And thus, begins her tryst with the lesser heard sports of "Race walking".
- A man tries to find the killer of his sister and wants to take revenge. But therefore he needs the help of a medium.