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- The camera goes on the set to film the making of Mondwest (1973), the first directorial effort of medical student turned novelist/screenwriter, thirty year old Michael Crichton who is enjoying the process if only because it is so different than the solitary function of the screenwriter. The movie takes place in a futuristic world where bored, wealthy adults can live out their fantasies of living in the Wild West, medieval Europe or Imperial Rome without repercussion at a high tech amusement park called Delos, where the "actors" at the three theme parks are robots programmed to give pleasure in meeting those fantasies. The "injured" or "killed" robots are repaired overnight to be used again the following day. While Crichton discusses the possibility of such amusement parks actually existing, stars Yul Brynner and Richard Benjamin discuss their parts in the story, which is basically an old fashioned adventure with a modern twist.
- Analyses how people process information. Pretty girls, bizarrely dressed men and some improvisational actors demonstrate attention, language processing, long and short term memory, mnemonics, retrieval strategies and problem solving.
- A young couple's picnic exposes differing expectations regarding sex. How will they deal with their conflicting desires and frustrations?
- Two young men discuss the passing of a close mutual friend of theirs immediately following his burial. One of them questions whether his death was an accident or a suicide.
- The story of the everyman who keeps finding himself at the bad end of the stick with poor customer service.