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- Le film inspiré des Comics Marvel, se concentrera sur Shang-Chi, «Le maître du Kung-Fu».
- Chine, aux temps anciens : un voleur masqué d'une agilité inouïe dérobe la fabuleuse épée 'Destinée'. Yu Shu Lien, experte en arts martiaux, mène l'enquête. Au palais elle rencontre une fillette fragile et calme qu'on vient de fiancer. Si belle, si douce [255]
- À Shanghai, dans les années 1940, un prétendu gangster veut appartenir au « Gang Axe » alors que les résidents d'un quartier font preuve de prouesses extraordinaires pour défendre leurs rues.
- Désirant renouer avec son amie d'enfance, Din, un ado plein d'allant, fait la connaissance d'un dragon-génie exauceur de vœux qui lui dévoile la magie des possibles.
- A poor Chinese laborer learns important lessons after his son gets a strange new toy.
- Prompted by the death of his father and the grief of his mother, a man recalls the story of how they met in flashback.
- A conflict of interest between two high-kicking assassin sisters is complicated as they're pursued by the criminals who hired them and an equally high-kicking female cop.
- Un jeune homme devient garde du corps pour gagner de l'argent rapidement. Il se lie d'amitié avec un mercenaire déterminé à recommencer sa vie. Ils travaillent ensemble pour déjouer un assassinat, mais leur partenariat ne peut pas durer.
- 13-year old Wei Minzhi is the new substitute teacher of a mountain village school. She is told not to lose any of her pupils under any circumstances.
- A moving true story about volunteers protecting antelope against poachers in the severe mountains of Tibet.
- Follows the story of a television host who's hidden so much personal and secret information on his phone, that when it gets out, catastrophe strikes.
- Three women in different stages of their lives - 20, 30, 40 - face the hardships of the female existence.
- An FBI Agent pairs with a troubled Taiwan cop to hunt for a serial killer who's embedding a mysterious fungus in the brains of victims.
- Chinese firefighters struggle to contain a huge fire after an oil pipeline explodes.
- A Chinese emissary is sent to the Gobi desert to execute a renegade soldier. When a caravan transporting a Buddhist monk and a valuable treasure is threatened by thieves, however, the two warriors might unite to protect the travelers.
- Ji Mo voit des monstres. Un jour, elle voit un monstre au supermarché et rencontre un chasseur de monstres, Meng. Elle découvre qu'il y a vraiment des monstres dans le monde, et elle est impliquée dans un nouveau problème.
- Yankie director Don Tyler faces mounting insecurity and declining health while on location in Beijing, so his assistant hires down-and-out camerman YoYo to take the reins. Scrambling, studio boss sells the sagging picture to a Japanese media company. But YoYo is determined to upstage the whole production by granting the director's wish to have a grand "comedy funeral". To raise the money for it, he auctions off advertising and sponsorships for the funeral to companies around the world. But Don getting better?
- A young woman with a big ego plots political revenge after she is duped by a man with an even bigger ego.
- A farm girl (Kitty Zhang) with dreams of becoming a big time hip-hop martial arts star in the big city gets a job as a janitor at a local dance school.