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- Um grupo de ladrões internacionais afundou uma balsa carregando um artefato valioso.
- Ellen Carter's career is on the rocks. She hasn't written a worthy novel since her husband went missing and she was suspected by the police of murdering him. To top it all off, she has reason to believe that her new tenant Leslie Steckler is the serial killer responsible for a number of deaths in the region. But what she doesn't know is that, in the meantime, Steckler has discovered a little secret about her...
- Two girls at a Historically Black College are strapped for cash to pay their senior year's tuition. In a pinch, they take their pool-hustling skills to Las Vegas to earn the money. But, winning at pool and love has it challenges.
- Everyone wants to know. Is Dan Brown's best selling fiction thriller "The Da Vinci Code" novel, really fact or fiction? Was Jesus really married to Mary Magdalene? Was she one of his disciples? Did they have a child together that became France's royal bloodline? Did Catholic secret societies hide these and many other secrets about Jesus? Were famous people like Leonardo Da Vinci and Sir Isaac Newton in on the secrets? Did Leonardo try to warn us through "The Last Supper" painting? Based on three best-selling books-"Breaking the DaVinci Code", "The DaVinci Deception" and "Cracking DaVinci's Code"-this program solves a 2000 year old mystery! "Breaking the DaVinci Code" answers all the lingering questions and finally sets the record straight-through interviews with book authors and the world's leading experts in archeology, theology, art history, philosophy and science.
- The story is set on near-future Earth during a time when the world is descending into chaos due to natural disasters and rising political tension between China and the United States. When the facility where the Maken was developed is attacked, the sword bonds to main heroine Kay Sagami and is sent on missions against the group responsible for the attack. Depending on dialogue choices and brainjacked characters, seven possible endings can be achieved.
- A golfing video game featuring Disney characters.
- Three American expats living in Buenos Aires decide to steal a large sum of money so they don't have to return home. But what starts as a game soon turns violent and they find themselves on the verge of consequences none of them expected.
- NWF KIDS PRO WRESTLING - THE UNTOLD STORY is an in-depth look at the history of a league that actually existed during the 1980's. Learn how a very talented and ambitious 14-year-old kid did the impossible task of running his very own professional wrestling league during a time when doing such a thing was simply unheard of. Predating the emergence of "backyard wrestling", NWF Kids Pro Wrestling was a much different venture. These young kids not only got inside the ring and wrestled, but they actually produced their own cable TV shows, promoted their own "live" spectator events, and ran the league from behind the scenes. Now twenty years later, the kids who were the creative force behind the NWF have all come back together to share their amazing story. Witness the amazing footage from the leagues extensive video history, along with great stories and recollections from past NWF superstars. From the birth of it's creation in 1984 on bed mattresses, to the successful cable TV show and live events, to a final act of sheer betrayal.
- GV4 is the ultimate Step-by-Step tutorial on how to create Graffiti Art on legal walls (murals) and on Canvas using Spray Paint.
- Our lives are filled with joy and sorrow, challenges and change - all linked to growing up and growing old. Is the inevitable conclusion to life's exciting journey the termination of the human spirit and a plot in the local cemetery? Or is there something beyond this life - a spiritual realm of some kind where the soul resides when we lay this body down? Is there really a place called Heaven? The major religions answer "yes" and accept this as a matter of faith. What if there is proof beyond faith that Heaven exists? Do scientific discoveries and cutting edge research actually prove the existence of Heaven? Some believe there is now proof that the place we call " Heaven" actually exists. We'll examine scientific studies, personal testimonies and experiences of those who say they've had a Near Death Experience in which they've been to Heaven and back. Join us in a serious look at startling new findings that document a place called Heaven!
- Shows that hip-hop in a workshop setting can be an invaluable tool to bridge the communications and learning dyslexia that exists between students, educators and the 4 R's.
- Join Sqedunk, Athletic Anna, Miss Lori and their exercise buddies in learning 14 basic exercises.
- Examines and reveals the truth behind 31 Multi-Ethnic Award-Winning Published and Respected Poets and their Poetic Creations in a seamlessly woven, uniquely honest visual tapestry.
- In The Forgotten Relic, Frogger's beloved grandfather has suddenly vanished without a trace. Frogger is determined to find him, and he sets out on a dangerous frog hunt through 18 unique, puzzle-filled environments. In your search, you will happen upon a piece of ancient technology called OPART--a magic system that allows you to use a range of magical moves including warp, time stop, grappling hook, and more. The Forgotten Relic also features RPG elements and a four-player mode that only requires one game cartridge.
- 2K Sports brings football back to its videogame line-up with All-Pro Football 2K8, featuring legends of the gridiron brought together for a showdown of the greatest of the greats. The critically acclaimed 2K football gameplay engine has been brought up to the standards of next-gen consoles team, with innovative new features, enhanced announcer commentary and hi-def visuals.