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- Une adaptation du « Magicien d'Oz » qui tente de capturer l'essence de l'histoire afro-américaine.
- Une écrivaine de New York sur le sexe et l'amour va enfin se marier avec 'M.Big'. Mais ses trois meilleures amies doivent la consoler lorsque l'une d'entre elles a accidentellement amené le futur mari à la quitter.
- Une socialiste new-yorkaise, profondément troublée et dans le déni, arrive à San Francisco pour s'imposer à sa soeur. Elle a l'air d'un million, mais n'apporte ni argent, ni paix, ni amour.
- Elle Woods se rend à Washington, D.C. pour rejoindre le personnel d'un représentant afin d'adopter un projet de loi interdisant l'expérimentation animale.
- A disillusioned young writer living in New York City turns to drugs and drinking to block out bad memories and personal tragedy.
- Un futur mari se réveille le matin après son enterrement de vie de garçon au lit avec une autre femme.
- After being evicted from his castle in Transylvania, Count Dracula and his assistant Renfield travel to New York to find a woman who the Count believes is the reincarnation of the woman he has loved for all eternity.
- A film adaptation of Steve Martin's novel about a complex love triangle between a bored salesgirl, a wealthy businessman and an aimless young man.
- Un détective privé enquête sur le meurtre de son ami manchot, un détective privé qui travaille sur une affaire. Les indices mènent à une clinique du sexe. Les corps s'accumulent.
- George Schneider is an author whose wife had just died. His brother Leo gives him the number of Jennie MacLaine, and somehow they hit it off, and just when things are moving along, the memory of his first wife comes between them.
- Follows the illustrator J.C. Leyendecker, whose legacy laid the foundation for today's out-and-proud LGBTQ advertisements.
- Anton, a wealthy logger marries Serafina, a woman from the slums of Manila. They move to Anton's house on a tropical island where they live with Anton's domineering and disapproving mother. Joey Gosiengfiao, best known for his campy box-office hits, directed this film. Check it out! Philippines Filipino Tagalog movie.
- Primetime Emmy Award is the main American award in area of television, annually handed by the American television academy.
- This is a show of pop-up information about models, fashion, and designers based on runway fashion shows from around the world.