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- Un gruppo di membri di una famiglia lavora con riluttanza nello studio legale del padre nel centro di Vancouver.
- Segui una squadra investigativa d'élite che indaga sulla corruzione e la criminalità ad alto livello nell'area metropolitana di Toronto.
- Un'agente alle prime armi che lavora a Surrey, la sua città natale, si scontra con i limiti del sistema giudiziario mentre lotta per scagionare il suo politico.
- Un esuberante detective di omicidi di Vancouver che rintraccia il più furbo degli assassini, cercando di capire il motivo dei suoi crimini, spesso inaspettati.
- Cinque giovani agricoltori canadesi, tutti provenienti da diverse specialità agricole, incontrano potenziali partner e scelgono se desiderano intraprendere una storia d'amore.
- The series originally focused on Jody Claman, Christina Kiesel, Reiko MacKenzie, Ronnie Negus, and Mary Zilba; the second season lineup consisted of Claman, Negus, Zilba, Amanda Hansen, Robin Reichman and Ioulia Reynolds.
- The victim: rookie Vancouver police officer Steve Schoenfeld. The killer: hotel maid Dana Rosten. This case sits as a cold one for ten years until the gun used to kill Schoenfeld turns up in a current case. The reopening of the case is bittersweet for Staff Sergeant Boyd Bloom, who was Schoenfeld's partner at the time. Bloom was also shot by Schoenfeld's murderer during that incident, Bloom's resulting injury which has relegated him to a desk job within the force. Bloom assigns Detective Brian Lucas as the lead investigator, his first such assignment. Lucas and Bloom will have to wade through evidence in the current shooting, and in the ten year old case, the latter which includes re-interviewing past persons of interest based on new information. Bloom slowly comes to the realization that he didn't know much about his partner's personal life, beyond the fact that he was happily engaged at the time and looking forward to his imminent marriage. Bloom and Lucas will find that Schoenfeld's love was a little deeper, which blurred the lines between his personal and professional life.
- Deals with emergency calls from contact with the dispatchers to the paramedics on the streets of Vancouver, BC.
- Abigail and Daniel represent Ira, who wants his wife Helen moved from a care home that he claims is worsening her Alzheimer's; because his daughter doesn't want Helen moved and holds power of attorney, Ira must challenge her in court.
- A couple find their adopted baby has a serious medical condition. The wife wants to keep the child, the husband doesn't. Daniel and Abigail represent the wife, but Harry is concerned that there is more to the case than first meets the eye.
- Abigail and Daniel represent two sisters who are being sued by their estranged mother for parental support; Daniel debates leaving Svensson for a rival firm; Lucy is melancholic as her deceased mother's birthday approaches.
- Abigail gets in over her head when she agrees to defend a friend who is anti-vaccine; Daniel is bitter over Harry's rejection of his partnership proposal; Ni gets suspended for forgery, forcing Abby and Frank to reconsider their parenting plan.
- Abigail and Daniel represent a soon-to-be-starving-again artist who was once the third member of a polyamorous relationship; Daniel regrets dumping Danielle; after Abby gets abusive texts due to the case with the artist, Frank and the kids stay with her at her mother's place.
- After Nina discovers she is not her father's biological daughter, Abigail traces a history of malpractice at the fertility clinic where Nina was conceived; Harry weighs an exciting new relationship against the prospect of losing his kids.
- Gay teenager Aaron wants to be emancipated from his parents because they are forcing him to attend a Pray Away the Gay camp; initially skeptical of Aaron's reasons, the lawyers realize how serious the situation is.
- A woman with an online gaming addiction is defended by Abigail after her husband sues her for custody of their children due to the hours she spends playing the online game, and then things take a strange turn.
- A Down syndrome couple, who will shortly give birth, ask Abigail for help because Social Services want to take away their baby.
- After an embarrassing alcoholic incident, Abigail Bianchi returns to law as part of her father's firm and is thrown in at the deep end, in the midst of family drama and extended family dynamics.
- Save-on-Meats finally opens, but where the diner wows, the butcher shop leaves Mark and Nico with a lot less than they bargained for.