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- Un repaso a la vida y la trayectoria deportiva del siete veces campeón del mundo de Fórmula 1, Michael Schumacher.
- Lavish Cinemascope shots bring Hamburg's Miniatur Wunderland, the world's largest model railroad created by twin brothers Frederik and Gerrit Braun in 2000, to life on the big screen through unreleased archive footage and animations.
- Born in 1471 in Nuremberg, then one of the intellectual centers of Europe, Albrecht Dürer showed an early talent for figurative art. Dürer hired representatives to distribute his engravings throughout the continent, adorned with the monogram "AD", the protector of his copyright before its time. But the artist, who had immersed himself in the techniques of the Italian Renaissance in Venice and would later publish theoretical works, was also a master of the brush, as in his lively "Hare" and his many disturbingly intimate self-portraits. Combining reconstructions and expert insights, this documentary explores the biography of an avant-garde artist haunted by death and the fear of the afterlife.
- Un vistazo íntimo a la carrera del icónico fotógrafo Peter Lindbergh. Mediante entrevistas, material de archivo y escenas detrás de cámaras, se explora su visión artística y su impacto en el mundo de la moda.
- Few portraits of artists give us the privilege of getting as close to a painter as if we had free access to his studio. Oscar award winning director Pepe Danquart was allowed to accompany the painter Daniel Richter for three years. He has watched him paint with his camera, negotiate with his gallerist, talk with his publisher, and joke with his companion and artist Jonathan Meese. He interviews collectors, attends auctions, and even visits record stores. The result is a complex picture of a visual artist who seems to be constantly searching for the meaning of his work. Vernissages and auctions give structure to the film narrative, but its heart is Richter's studio. There we experience him as a craftsman, a restless doer, who reflects astonishingly frank and self-deprecatingly on his work, which for him is always also a political act. He talks about the process of creation, the effect, the meaning, and the significance of his own pictures, makes clear statements, and yet, for all his claim to validity, does not take himself more seriously than necessary.
- Source of light, life and energy, the Sun is at the heart of the concerns of a part of the scientific community. Indeed, the threat of a solar storm constantly hovers over the Earth. These gigantic masses of waves and particles, released in an unpredictable way on the surface of the Sun, can seriously damage the networks created by man. The most recent storm narrowly avoided the Earth in 2017, but in 2003, one of them caused a power outage in Malmö and the loss of contact with two Japanese satellites. Even more impressive, the 1989 solar storm plunged Canada into darkness and cut the heating network for six hours in the middle of winter. To date, science remains unable to predict these storms. But this could soon change.
- Thou shalt live. - Holocaust survivors in conversation with Markus Lanz.