I would love to say I highly recommend this series....but due to the 80s animation, it would prolly turn off new viewers. The original robotech fans can still view this series and admire the great story lines and wonderful characters. Although the animation is really bad compared to what we have today, the characters still come through with amazing clarity despite the fact that we don't even see their lips move properly when they talk. As much as its a science fiction/fantasy story, the issues addressed are still real. Robotech is divided into 3 different series as one person already pointed out and it circles around wars with alien races. There is violence and death, there is even the seemingly glorification of war. But ultimately the moral of the story is "war produces nothing, it only leads to death and destruction" (quote by the character of Lynn Kyle...quote may be off a lil'). And the series proves that message mostly in the last of the 3 series when there is a compromise and a truce with the alien race of invids. By then much had been lost but the lesson has been learned by both sides.
The love stories are told wonderfully; the dilemnas of romance and how ppl sometimes fall out of love and outgrow each other. I can still watch this cartoon series (i hate calling it a cartoon!) with interest and i'm in my mid 20s. I was lucky enough to be outside of North America when this series aired so I got to view all 3 different series. And yes the sentinel movie was a bit of a disappointment. It was nice to see the characters grow but it seemed the artists behind the work just made everyone look older by making them taller and changing their hair completely. Yes I'm being picky here and the musical score was not as good as the original series did.
This is the most amazing set of stories told in any animated series I've seen in my childhood (and i saw plenty!). The characters are so real and well developed that you really identify with them. Even the villains are portrayed as well developed characters with human frailties and flaws, as opposed to being an evil alien race. All characters learn and grow and can change their perspectives on things.
I loved robotech when it first came out and it still makes me nostalgic when i see it or hear about it, not just because it reminds me of my childhood but because it represents a wonderful fantasy world with fantastic characters embarking on wonderful adventures...something that strikes everyone with an active imagination as extremely viewable.