One of the many insane rules I have for horror/cult movies is: if it stars Ray Milland, just watch it, no matter how bad it is. This crazy philosophy already led me to seeing stuff like "Hydra: The Sea Monster" and "Cruise into Terror", and now it brought me to the utterly obscure "Survival Run".
For starters, I should probably mention the alternative title "Spree", as well as some of the film-covers hinting at a zombie apocalypse or the pandemic spread of an infectious disease, make absolutely NO sense. This is a very simple and straightforward thriller about a bunch of clueless school kids having to battle for survival against weapons and drugs smuggling criminals in the desert.
The mighty Ray Milland plays his familiar role of elderly and relentless SOB with a white suit and walking cane, but admittedly it was rather unusual to see Peter Graves in the role of hardened crook. Graves, Milland, and a smally army of sleazy and sweaty Latino thugs hunt down the teenagers, whose van broke down after a stupid rollover, because they interfere with their dubious activities. The manhunt is quite boring, unfortunately, with a disappointingly low body count and very clichéd situations. The pretty girls keep their clothes on even though they are scantily clad and dancing lewd the entire time, which doesn't exactly make the film more interesting. Peter Graves looks genuinely embarrassed, and righteously so, but Ray Milland starred in "The Thing with Two Heads", so for him "Survival Run" is a masterpiece.