Fasten your seatbelts and brace yourself for an non-stop thrill ride that will have you holding your breath from start to finish.
"Daylight" is one of the most intense movies I have seen in a long time. Sylvester Stallone gives one of his best performances in "Daylight" leading a group of civilians to safety after a New York tunnel engulfs in flames. Stallone works his magic as a former EMS chief sent in to save these civilians.
When I heard Stallone's name mentioned as part of the cast of "Daylight," I knew it would be a non-stop thrill ride; however, what I didn't realize it would be a thriller that had depth mixed in with everything else. "Daylight" is a credit to Stallone's ability and this remains one of his best roles to date.
Adding to this awesome film are Stallone's co-stars, which include Amy Brenneman, Viggo Mortensen, Jay O. Sanders and Stan Shaw. I enjoyed watching this ensemble work together because they seem to need no direction when on screen. It was as if they were really trapped in the tunnel. From the fear to the heroic actions they took, these actors were top notch.
I concede that "Daylight" is predictable. However, I disagree with those who say it hurts the film. My point is it doesn't matter whether a film is predictable, rather how it is presented. "Daylight" is presented with quite unique special effects, a plot with depth and endearing performances.
In addition to the excellent performances, "Daylight" had some of the best special effects I have seen. The explosion at the beginning of the movie was a work of art. I was in awe of how well the special effects were pulled off because I don't believe that "Daylight" would have worked as well as it did if they were done with less than 100 percent effort.
"Daylight" will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.