I saw this film on September 13th in Indianapolis. I am one of the judges for the Heartland Film Festival that screens films for their Truly Moving Picture Award. A Truly Moving Picture "
explores the human journey by artistically expressing hope and respect for the positive values of life." Heartland gave that award to this film.
The setting is the beautiful horse country around Lexington, KY. A dysfunctional horse family falls on hard times. The family includes a grandfather (Kris Kristofferson), a son (Kurt Russell), his wife (Elisabeth Shue), and their daughter (Dakota Fanning). The son is a horse trainer and loses his job abruptly and takes with him a badly injured horse to his shrunken, empty, rundown horse farm.
Just as the horse, Sonador, which is Spanish for Dreamer, struggles to become healthy, the family also struggles to become a caring, loving unit again. The indomitable spirit of the daughter as she cares for the horse forces the family to confront their problems. And ultimately they do face their problems with courage, spirit and even heroism.
The acting in this movie by the family members was superb. But Dakota Fanning deserves a special mention. It seems once a generation there is an outstanding child actor that is believable. She is this generation's child actor.
The cinematography and music score are outstanding. The horse country comes alive and you begin to understand why "
the sport of kings
" becomes many people's profession.
FYI There is a Truly Moving Pictures web site where there is a listing of past winners going back 70 years.