I think the movie 'Funny People' gave me PTSD for movies about comedians. I didn't enjoy that movie much at all and I think I was worried I was going to have a similar experience with 'I Used to be Funny'. That couldn't have been further from the case though. I was glued to the screen for every minute of this film.
Rachel Sennott has been one of the most interesting actresses to watch in recent years, but this film gave her the chance to prove she can truly act in a dramatic role. And she killed it. Also I had never heard of Caleb Hearon until this week and yet now I've seen him steal the show in two films. He has a lot of charm that man.
This is a heavy film. It's gritty and raw and quite devastating at times. I loved the structure of the film, with the intersecting timelines and the mystery around what exactly happened. I will say you have to have your wits about you at times to keep on track of which timeline you are actually in.
I really enjoyed this film. I'm quite surprised to be honest to see it with only a 6.3/10 on IMDb. I feel like I must've seen something in it that others didn't. I highly recommend this one though. 9/10.