Spring Breakers (2012)
* 1/2 (out of 4)
Four college friends don't have the money for spring break so three of them decide to hold up a restaurant. Now with the money they head down to Florida to drink and experience life but soon they run into a gangster (James Franco) and their future hits a bumpy road. I understand SPRING BREAKERS is getting mixed reviews but I'm going to just flat out say that I hated the picture. I thought it was a rather confusing mess with unlikeable and annoying characters, a horrid story and an ending that's so bad that I really wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. Director Harmony Korine makes 90% of the film about style as we get all sorts of strange camera shots, bizarre editing and slow motion shots of bodies giggling and for the life of me I can't understand the point. It certainly doesn't add anything to the story but I will admit it was a "new" way to tell this type of story. With that said, just because it's new doesn't mean it's good and in fact it's just downright annoying. Even worse is the so-called story, which I've heard from some was supposed to be a satire while others appear to be taking it very serious. To me it wasn't clear what the director was trying to do with the material but if we were supposed to like these characters that certainly doesn't happen. I'd say they're all rather hate worthy but at the same time if we were supposed to hate them then the film really lets all of them off easy. The ending was just a downright joke and whatever "meaning" we're supposed to take from it is even worse. The film's selling point seems to be the "Disney Girls Gone Wild" aspect as Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson and Heather Morris all tease up the screen. Performance wise they're fine but their characters are just so bad who cares about anything else? Franco chews up the scenery as if he's the son of Max Cady (the Robert DeNiro character in CAPE FEAR) but it's hard to take the character too serious. Again, I understand some are finding deep, haunting meanings to this film but to me it's just a complete joke from start to finish. If you want to see a much better movie about social media and today's culture then check out GOD BLESS America.