The moment I heard of The Tom and Jerry Show, I honestly thought that there was finally going to be a creative team working on Tom and Jerry. I honestly thought that team would put in care, and effort. I though that team would give us back the tom and Jerry cartoons all animation fans used to worship. BOY did I get my hopes way to high up! Look I can understand that it's not wise to live in nostalgia, but with the crappy cartoons people put on television these days it's hard not to think back then of the good old days of animation. It's unfortunate that this ended up being another piece of crap.
I' will be blunt. The animation is crap! This is really annoying because Tom and Jerry was always known for having low budget animation in their shorts. But the reason why it's annoying is because Tom and Jerry used their low budget animation to its full potential. This show doesn't try at all. I've seen better uses of flash animation in other shows.
The comedy in the show is insulting. They make every joke obvious as hell. Isn't the point of a comedy to be surprising with the jokes? You know, make sure no one sees them coming. The slapstick is just bad, and it becomes atrocious when you compare to its older cartoon predecessors. Tom and Jerry Tales did even better than this show at slapstick. The Funny thing is that Tom and Jerry Tales is known for having a lot acquired taste jokes!
In the end this isn't a bad cartoon. In fact it was almost a decently good show if it weren't for one particular criticism. THE POTENTIAL CRITICISM! This is a BAD criticism, especially for anything animated! This critique explains that the show knows it can do better, but to make things worse it shoves it in your face all the time! It's in every episode! THREE episodes particularly stand out in my mind. Episode 17(Domestic Kingdom), and Episode 22(Pipeline; and No Brain, No Gain). I had an immense amount of hope for this show to honor Hanna-Barbera for their legacy on the animation industry, but all we got an insult! An Insult, and a sad excuse for good cartoon comedy.