Tress MacNeille
- Reparto
- Música
- Guion
Tress MacNeille nació el 20 de junio de 1951 en Los Ángeles, California, EE.UU.. Es una actriz y escritora, conocida por Animaniacs (1993), Futurama (1999) y Los Simpson: La película (2007).
Serie de TV
- Dot Warner
- Additional Voices
- Hello Nurse
- Mindy's Mom
- Marita Hippo
- Miss Flamiel
- Mary Hartless
- Frau Hassenfeffer
- Kiki
- Ms. Hoffelmeyer
- Sasha
- Gina Embryo
- Witch Hazel
- Babs Bunny
- Baby Jane
- Barbara Walters
- Barbra Streisand
- Bea Arthur
- Billie
- Blanche Sewer
- Bumper
- Cher
- Cleopatra
- Dolly Parton
- Duanne Sewer
- Edith
- Eve
- Evil Queen
- Female Censor
- Frau Hassenpfeffer
- Gery Bilchmoytner
- Glinda
- Googi's Grandma
- Googi's Mom
- Gretel
- Jan
- Jenny Jones
- Joanne
- Julie Andrews
- Katey Cupcake
- Kim Boggs
- Lamb Chop
- Little Girl
- Mabelloota 'Ma' McCoy
- Madame Bruntwind
- Madonna
- Magic Harp
- Mama
- Marilyn Monroe
- Mary Poppins
- Medusa
- Michelle Pfeiffer
- Miss Funnymoney
- Miss Hennypenny
- Monica Geller
- Mother Superior
- Mrs. Munk
- Mrs. Peterson
- Ms. Butley
- Myra Puntridge
- Old Pig
- Page Sister #1
- Peg Boggs
- Peyton Flanders
- Pinocchio
- Pixie
- Princess
- Princess Anne
- Princess of Props #1
- Prunela Flundergust
- Queen Elizabeth II
- Queen of Hearts
- Reeva
- Reporter
- Reporter #3
- Rich Woman
- Rita's Owner
- Robin Robin
- Rude Woman
- Sabina
- Sandra Bullock
- Shari Lewis
- Stage Actress
- Stagehand
- Starlet
- Statue of Liberty
- Survey Lady #1
- Suzanne Slimmers
- Tippi Hedren
- Trudy
- Uhura
- Vina Walleen (Bumbie's Mom)
- Viza Mizzeli
- Whoopi Goldberg
- Young Slappy
- Zombies(voz)
Serie de TV
- Linda
- Petunia
- Mom
- Hattie McDoogal
- Tinny Tim
- Turanga Munda
- Additional Voices
- Monique
- Dr. Cahill
- Vyolet
- Esther
- Mrs. Astor
- Mrs. Fry
- Nd-Nd
- Ndnd
- Teen Robot
- Hattie MacDoogal
- Leela's Grandmother
- Craterface
- Mother
- The Grand Midwife
- Tour Guide
- Woman
- Amazonian
- Blek's Wife
- Boy
- Bret Blob
- Computer
- Executive Gamma
- Female Announcer
- Fembots
- Fiona
- Glab
- Guenter
- Gypsy-bot
- Joan Rivers' Head
- Leela's Wrist Thingy
- Linda the Newsanchor
- Lulubelle 7
- Nurse Ratchet
- Rose Mary
- Scientist #1
- Slurm Queen
- Teller
- Waitress
- 7^11 Clerk
- Admirella
- Advertisement
- Airport Announcer
- Aki
- Alarm Clock
- Albert
- Amazon Woman
- Amazonians
- Andrew
- Angry Mom
- Angus #3
- Animatronic Gopher #1
- Answering Message
- Awards Announcer
- Babe
- Bella
- Bernella
- Biff's Girlfriend
- Big Bertha
- Blonde Girl
- Breakdancing fan
- Bride
- Broken Bot #2
- Build-a-Bot Leela
- Bureaucrascan
- Butch
- CIA Voice
- Cameron Diaz
- Candy
- Casting Agent
- Centaurette
- Centipede Alien's Wife
- Chief O'Manahan
- Child at Recital
- Child at UN
- Children at Party
- Commercial Announcer
- Cosmetologist
- Countess De La Roca
- Countess von Luftballon
- Crowd
- Daisy
- Daisy-May 128K
- Darlene
- Darth Sploder
- Decapodian Woman
- Documentary Narrator
- Dorm Girls
- Dr. Widnar
- Edna
- Emotitron Jr.
- Execubot Gamma
- Fake 18-Year-Olds
- Fanny
- Farnsworth's Girlfriend
- Female Bureaucrat
- Female CDC Scientist
- Female Martian Native
- Female Robot Ghost
- Female Robot at Human Hunt
- Female Thurbanian
- Fembot
- Finger
- Fishy Joe's Automated Voice
- Five-Eyed Woman
- Forbidden Planet Hollywood Employee
- Fortune Teller Bot
- Fortune Teller Robot
- Funbag Jingle
- Future Crimes Interface
- GeneWorks Woman
- Gladys Lennox
- Gwen
- Gypsy-Bot
- Habitat Alien #3
- Hattie
- Hippie #1
- Hookerbot 5000
- Housewife of Sim City
- IBM Deep Blue
- Intercom Robot
- Intercom Voice
- Invasa
- Invitation Voice #2
- Jenny McNeal
- Jezabel
- Kid #2
- Kug
- Lady Buggle
- Lady with Purse
- Ladybot
- Leela Actress
- Leela's Phone
- Lisa
- Little Boy
- Little Girl
- Louisa
- Lynn
- Macaulay Culckon
- Madame Ambassador
- Madeline Albright's Head
- Madeline Albright-bot
- Malachi's Wife
- Mandy
- Martha Stewart's Head
- Mavis
- Mayor's Aide
- Mayor's Date
- Melllvar's Mother
- Mildred
- Miss Delilah
- Molton Boron Singer
- Mombot
- Mother at Recital
- Mother in Car
- Mother in Commercial
- Mrs. Everyteen
- Mrs. Kroker
- Mrs. Mellonger
- Mrs. Tucker
- Museum Guide #2
- Mutant Nurse
- Myrtle Fu
- Neptunian Woman
- Nerdbot
- Nicole Kidman's Head
- Nurse
- Old Woman
- Paparazza
- Party Guest #2
- Phoebe
- Phone Operator
- Planet Express Computer
- Premula
- Princess Flavia
- Processor
- Protester
- Qing Airee
- Queen of Yonkers
- Ratman's Girlfriend
- Red Elder
- Robot Actress
- Robot Eskimo
- Robot Gypsy
- Robot Hooker
- Robot Lap Dancer
- Robot Nurse
- Robot Stripper
- Robot at Cinema
- Robot at Funeral
- Robot in Jury #2
- Rosemary
- Rosie the Robot Maid
- Runner
- Ruth
- Saleswoman
- Sam
- Sandra Day O'Connor's Head
- Sandy
- Satellite Dish
- Sea Monkeys Advertisement
- Sensitivity Training Chip
- Sensitivity Training Robot
- Ship's Computer
- Singing Bee
- Skinless Robo-Leela
- Slut
- Smiri
- Spa 5 Leader
- Spam Bot
- Speak-N-Say
- Speaker Voice
- Squire
- Suicide Booth
- Surveillance Camera
- Suz Johnson
- Swamp Hag
- TV Mom
- Talia Thinsen's Head
- Teacher
- Tennant with Cell Phone
- Thallium Analyzer
- The Honorable Judge 802
- The Little Prince
- The Petite Warbler
- The Queen
- The Queen of Yonkers
- Timmy's Mother
- Tiny Tim
- Tom Sawyer
- Torgo's Spokeswoman
- Toy Salesman
- Trash Can
- Tress LaMarche
- Truck
- Turanaga Munda
- Vincian Girl
- Wanda
- Washbucket
- Welcome Voice
- Wendy
- Who-Ask Machine
- Woman #1
- Woman on PA
- Women in Crowd
- Wristlo-jackomater
- Yancy Fry, Jr.'s Wife
- Year 5 Million Female
- Year Fifty Million Woman #1
- Year Fifty Million Woman #2
- Zindy
- Zoidberg's Aunt
- Booberella
- Sweet Old Lady
- Colin
- Agnes Skinner
- Nelson's Mother
- Pig
- Crazy Cat Lady
- Female EPA Worker
- G.P.S. Woman
- Cookie Kwan
- Lindsey Naegle
- TV Son
- Medicine Woman
- Girl on Phone(voz)
Serie de TV
- Agnes Skinner
- Dolph
- Various
- Crazy Cat Lady
- Lindsey Naegle
- Mrs. Muntz
- Brandine
- Brandine Spuckler
- Dolph Starbeam
- Bernice Hibbert
- Cookie Kwan
- Shauna Chalmers
- Lunchlady Doris
- Nurse
- Various Kids
- Lindsay Naegle
- Manjula
- Dubya Spuckler
- Lunchlady Dora
- Shauna
- Lewis
- Mrs. Glick
- Woman
- Dolph Shapiro
- Jimbo Jones
- Miss Springfield
- Various People
- Waitress
- Cora
- Mrs. Vanderbilt
- Myra
- Old Lady
- Socialite
- Booberella
- Boy
- Brunella Pommelhorst
- Crowd Members
- Lady
- Lindsey Neagle
- Plopper
- Tour Guide
- Whitney Spuckler
- Additional Voices
- Amazon Alexa
- Brandine Del Roy
- Children
- Cosine
- Kumiko
- Librarian
- Lindsay Neagle
- Little Boy
- Martha
- Maya
- Mother
- Opal
- Poor Violet
- Teacher
- Witch
- Actress
- Aide
- Airport Announcer
- Alexa
- Alice Glick
- Animal Shelter Worker
- Baseball Player
- Brenda
- Caitlin
- Camera Lady
- Child Crowd
- Churchgoer
- Cienega
- Clara
- Eleanor Abernathy
- Evelyn Trunch
- Female Doctor
- Gino Terwilliger
- Girl
- Girl #1
- Gov. Mary Bailey
- Gypsy
- Inga
- Jeremy
- Judy
- Justin
- Kenny
- Krusty's Agent
- Kumiko Nakamura
- Laney Fontaine
- Linda
- Lucy
- Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon
- Martha Prince
- Medicine Woman
- Mom
- Mrs. Burns
- Ms. Albright
- News Reporter
- Noah's Mother
- Old Woman
- Operator
- Paper Boy
- Parade Commentator
- Pigs
- Producer
- Queen Elizabeth II
- Receptionist
- Retirement Castle Nurse
- Saleswoman
- Sam Monroe
- Sandra
- Siri
- TV Executive
- Terri
- Therapist
- Tina
- Tyler
- Virgin Mary
- Wife
- Woman #2
- Woman on Street
- Woman with Baby
- "No, One!"
- 'Diversity Tales' Narrator
- 'I can't wait!'
- 'Men'
- 'Omigod, this family is undecided, undecided!'
- 'Padz' Announcer
- 'Poetry slam!'
- 'Unattended Baggage!'
- 'We're all gonna be rich!'
- 2nd Girl in Cafeteria
- 2nd Parrot
- 3 of Diamonds
- 5th Grader Erik
- 83 Yugo
- 911 Operator
- AI Voice
- Abraham Simpson's Girlfriend
- Accountant
- Acrobat
- Activation Lady
- Adil Hoxha
- Adjudicator #2
- Adriatica Veljohnson
- Adult Maggie Simpson
- Affluence Acre Children
- Agent #2
- Airline Announcer
- Airline Ticket Agent
- Alabama Boy
- Alex
- Alien #2
- Alien Peggy
- All-You-Can-Eat Salad Bar
- Alleycat Deeley
- Allison Taylor
- Amber
- Amelia Vanderbuckle
- American Idol contestant
- Amy
- Amy Levine Gonzalez
- Anaesthetist
- Angela Dare
- Angela Merkel
- Angelica
- Angry Crowd
- Anita Erik's Mom aka Cool Mom
- Ann Landers
- Anne Blackburn
- Anne Boleyn
- Annette the Squishee Lady
- Announcer
- Announcer #2
- Anonymous Children
- Anonymous Voice Dubber
- Anoop Nahasapeemapetilon
- Anthem Singer
- Appraiser
- Appreciative Nurse #1
- Apu's Mother
- Aristocrat
- Art Teacher
- Ash Ketchum
- Asian Woman
- Astronaut
- Audience
- Audience Member
- Audio Ladies
- Audition Lady
- Audrey McConnell
- Aunt Gladys
- Auntie Ovenfresh
- Austin
- Babies
- Baby Einstein Voice
- Baby Ghost
- Baby-proofer
- Bacardi Girl
- Bad Girl #1
- Bad Halloween Candy Lady
- Bailiff
- Ballerina
- Balloon Lady
- Barbara
- Barbara Bush
- Barber
- Barley Boy
- Barnard Sister
- Bart's Boston Teacher
- Bart's Imaginary Girlfriend
- Bashir
- Batter
- Bearded Lady
- Beatrice
- Beautician
- Belle
- Ben Heathbar
- Best Western Union Lady
- Betsy Bidwell
- Betsy Ross
- Betty
- Bigger Brothers Commercial Child
- Bigger Brothers Employee
- Billets Paris Voice
- Bird
- Black Cyclist
- Black Lady
- Black Woman
- Blazing Guy Announcer
- Blocko Employee
- Blonde Woman in Book Club
- Bo Derek
- Boat Salesman's Wife
- Bodhi
- Bonnie Actor
- Booing Crowd
- Booing people
- Book Seller
- Bookmobile Woman
- Boy At Book Store
- Boy At Playground
- Boy Looking In Horoscope
- Boy With Shades
- Boy at Beach
- Boy in Blockoland Commercial
- Boy on Ride
- Boy with braces
- Bran Producer #2
- Brandine Delroy
- Breastfeeding Mother
- Brenda Weingarten
- Bride
- British Woman
- Bronson Lady
- Brown-Haired Cadet
- Brunhilda
- Bryn Mawr Sister
- Buck-Toothed Boy
- Buck-toothed boy
- Bumper Car Victim
- Bushwell
- Businesswoman
- C.J.
- C.R.I.E. Woman
- Calgary Lames Team Member
- Calypso Self-Knowledge
- Cameron
- Campsite Worker
- Canadian Teacher
- Candy Cane
- Capital City Dream Tour Guide #2
- Captain Horatio McCallister's Wife
- Car Radio Newsman #2
- Carjacker
- Carl's Sister
- Carla Bruni-Sarkozy
- Carol Jones
- Carolyn
- Cashier
- Cassandra Patters
- Cat 815
- Cathy
- Cathy from Personnel
- Centrefold
- Channel 3 Reporter
- Charo
- Chat Show Host
- Cheering Children
- Cheering Crowd
- Cheering croud
- Child
- Child #2
- Child Audience Members
- Child Under Trap Door
- Children Crowd
- Chinese Choir
- Chinese Woman Assassin
- Chloe
- Choking Woman
- Cholera Woman
- Christmas Choir Singer
- Chugging Ladies
- Circe
- Clara Peller
- Clarice Dremond
- Clarinet Player #1
- Cleo
- Clerk
- Cletus's Son
- Coffee Shop Manager
- Colleen
- Comedy Club Crowd
- Comic Book Lady
- Commercial Girl at Beach
- Commissioner
- Committe Chairwoman
- Continuity Woman
- Cookie Kwan's Baby
- Cool Kid
- Couch
- Countdown P.A.
- Court Attorney Woman
- Crabs
- Creative Arts Emmys Presenter
- Creepy Little Girl
- Cregg Demon's Son
- Crowd
- Cuban Airport Woman
- Cuban Vendor Boy
- Cuddle Kitten NFT Leader
- Customers
- Cybill Shepherd
- Cyclist
- Cyrus' Wives
- DMV Worker
- Dalia Brinkley
- Dame Judith Onderdonk
- Daphne Beaumont
- Davey
- David
- Dean
- Debbie Pinson
- Debby
- Debutante's Mother
- Delivery Woman
- Dentist #1
- Devon
- Dia-Betty
- Diabetty
- Diana
- Diane (Network Executive)
- Dieter Wolfcastle
- Dinosaur Trainer
- Disgusted Lady
- Divorce Bureau Woman
- Don's Secretary
- Doreen
- Dottie
- Dowager
- Dowager Grandmom
- Dr. Dorothea Chaplet
- Dr. Hibbert's Assistant
- Dr. Hibbert's Au Pair
- Dr. Hibbert's Daughter
- Dr. Kidzrule
- Dr. Simpson
- Dr. Spivak's Mother
- Dr. Wexler
- Driver
- Drunk Girl
- Duff Girl #2
- Elderly Woman
- Elementary Boy
- Elevator Voice
- Elin Degenerous
- Eliza Commonbottom
- Elmo
- Eloise
- Emily
- Emma's Grandmother
- Energizer Bunny
- Environmental Lawyer Simpson
- Eric
- Esme Delacroix
- Esther
- Ethiopian Waitress
- Ethnic Woman
- Eunice
- Evelyn
- Evelyn Peters
- Evil Queen
- Exec
- FBI Agency
- FBI Lady
- Face Mask Specialist
- Facial Recognition Interface
- Fairy Queen
- Fan #1
- Fan #1's Mother
- Fan #3
- Fan Boy Of Bart
- Fat Tony's Date
- Fat Tony's Wife
- Fausto's girlfriend
- Fe-Mail Man
- Female Activists
- Female Angel
- Female Announcer
- Female Audience Member
- Female Baker
- Female Bodybuilders
- Female Cab Driver
- Female Cartoonist
- Female Circuit Circus Employee
- Female Driver
- Female Elders
- Female Hostess
- Female Interviewer
- Female J.J Abrams Workers
- Female Narrator
- Female Portland Audience Member
- Female Prison Guard
- Female Robot
- Female Student
- Female passenger
- Film Agent Officer
- Film Studio Employee #1
- First Old Lady
- Fish
- Fizix
- Flight Attendance #1
- Flight Attendant
- Flight Attendent
- Flight Attendent #1
- Football Singer
- Fox Executive
- Fox Phone Operator
- Foxy Lady
- Francine's Mom
- French Femme Fatale Charcoal Briquette
- Future Phone Lady
- GPS Woman Voice
- Gail
- GameStation 252
- Gangster Bosses Mother
- Gary the Unicorn
- Gavin
- German Woman
- Gertie
- Gheet
- Ginger
- Ginormous Pictures Studio Chief #1
- Girl #3
- Girl In Beauty Movie
- Girl On Bus
- Girl at Party
- Girl at Prison
- Girl from 'The Survival Games'
- Girl from 'Yo-Yo and the Cloud Palace'
- Girl in Commercial
- Girl in Store #2
- Girl in pool #1
- Girlfriends
- Gitmo Spuckler
- Glasses Voice
- Glee Club Singers
- Gloria Allred
- Golfers
- Grandma
- Grandma Van Houten
- Grandma in Horror Movie
- Granny Clampett
- Great-Grandma Simpson
- Greta Wolfcastle
- Gretchen
- Guard #1
- Guinea Pig Sanctuary Worker
- Guinness Tour Guide
- Gwen
- Gwen the waitress
- H.K. Duff's Assistant
- Hadley Richardson
- Hansel
- Harry Potter
- Harvard University Fundraising Lady
- Hazel
- Headless Malibu Stacy
- Health Department #2
- Hear Me Roar TV personality
- Heaven Narrator
- Heavy Black Woman
- Heavy Set Woman At Club
- Helen
- Helen Mirren
- Helen Thomas
- Helga
- Heloise Hodgeson Burwell
- Henrietta Kitten
- Henry's Wife
- Herstory Narrator
- Hillary Clinton
- Hippie #1
- Hippie Chick #1
- Hippie Chick #2
- Hippy Duffman Singers
- Hobow Tv Executive
- Holly Hippie
- Homer Fan #3
- Homer's cousin's wife
- Hotel Condo Employee
- Hotel Receptionist
- Hotel Staff #1
- Housekeeper
- Hubert Wong
- Humbleton Woman
- I Don't Like Anything Woman
- Imaginative Talking Sink
- Injured Prisoner
- Inmate #1
- Inmate #2
- Institute Council Member
- Instrumental Crowd
- Insurance Broker
- Intercom Nurse
- Interviewing Crowd
- Iraqi Woman
- Irene Ryan
- Irish Mother
- Irish Pregnant Woman
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome Support Group Woman
- Italian Woman
- J.T. Winchester
- Jackington
- Jamaican Woman Singing Itchy and Scratchy Theme Song
- Jane Seymour
- Japanese Friend #2
- Japanese Woman
- Jennifer Aniston
- Jenny
- Jenny At Barbershop
- Jenny McCarthy
- Jewish Kitten
- Jill St. John
- Jimi Hendrix's Agent
- Jitterbug Call Center Voice
- Joan Didion
- Joan Rivers
- Jonah
- Joyce
- Judge
- Judge #1
- Judi Dench
- Judy Dench
- Juliana Krellner
- Julie-X
- Julius Hibbert's Daughter
- Jump Rope Girl #1
- June Bellamy
- Juno
- KBLY Radio Announcer
- Kaitlyn
- Kamela
- Karen
- Kathy
- Kathy Ireland
- Katie Anderson
- Katja
- Keggy
- Keith's Wife
- Kid #2 in 'Soccer Mummy'
- Kid #3
- Kid Greeting Bart
- Kid Zone Elite Employee
- Kids
- Kids TV Hostess
- Kiki Highsmith
- Kim
- Knockers Waitress
- Krista
- Krusty Burger Worker
- Krusty the Clown Writer #1
- Krusty's Agent #1
- L.A. Body Works Woman
- Lacey Van Aster
- Lactose Intolerant Boy
- Lady Android
- Lady Bitington
- Lady Itchy
- Lady Worker
- Lady in Audience
- Lady on Fire
- LadyBot
- Lamb
- Latin Representative
- Laughing Crowd
- Laughing Girls
- Laughing Witch Attration
- Lawyer #2
- Lenny's Sister
- Leo's Wife
- Lesbian
- Lifetime Films Announcer
- Lighthouse Owner's Mother
- Lillian Hellman
- Linda van Schoonhoven
- Lindsey Naegle Homer
- Lisa's Friend #2
- Lisa's Friend #3
- Lisa's Student #2
- Little Bo Peep
- Little Boy in Commercial
- Little Debbie Dimples
- Little Girl Judge
- Little Girl in Royal Cruise Commercail
- Loan Officer
- Lolo the Gorilla Announcer
- Louie's Aunt
- Luigi's Mother
- Lyla
- Mabel
- Mad Magazine Secretary
- Madam
- Madison
- Madison McKenna
- Maid #2
- Majula
- Malibu Stacy
- Mall Train Employee Woman
- Mama
- Mama Celeste
- Mama Risotto
- Mandy
- Manicure Woman
- Mapple Woman Employer
- Mapple Woman Voice
- Marge's Inmate Roommate #1
- Maria
- Martha the Librarian
- Martin's Grandmother
- Mary
- Mary Anne
- Mary Hart
- Mary Sue
- Maureen Wegman
- Max's Widow
- Maya Angelou
- Mayor Quimby's Mother
- Meal Train
- Megan
- Melina Costington
- Melvis Spuckler
- Mental Doctor
- Meredith Milgram
- Mermaid
- Michael D'Amico
- Michiko
- Middle Schooler #1
- Middle Schooler #4
- Mildred
- Miles Wife
- Milhouse's Double
- Milhouse's Nana
- Milly
- Mimi
- Mindy
- Miranda
- Miss Pommelhorst
- Miss Viola
- Miss Wyoming
- Missy LeBon
- Model #1
- Moe's Date
- Moira
- Mom #1
- Mom At Museum
- Mom Squad
- Mom at the Mall
- Mom of Tomorrow
- Monarno Research Woman
- Monica
- Monster Kid
- Monster Teacher
- Mopey Mary
- Mother At Farm
- Mother Bear
- Mother Goose
- Mother Superior
- Mother Translator
- MotherBot
- Movie Lady
- Movie Woman
- Moving On Worker
- Mr. Shadowski's Son
- Mrs Muntz
- Mrs. Babcock
- Mrs. Bloominstein
- Mrs. Bunyan
- Mrs. Chase
- Mrs. Demarius
- Mrs. Dexter's Son
- Mrs. Fornby
- Mrs. Gumble
- Mrs. McLellan Employee
- Mrs. Ortner
- Mrs. Pommelhorst
- Mrs. Potts
- Mrs. Quimby
- Mrs. Risotto
- Mrs. Simpson
- Mrs. Witherball
- Mrs.Hobbes
- Mrs.Muntz
- Ms. Clark
- Ms. Dubinsky
- Ms. Frizzle
- Ms. Marshell
- Ms. York
- Mugger's Girlfriend
- My Baby! Woman
- Myles
- Nana
- Nancy Drew
- Native American #3
- Ndnd
- Ned Flanders' Scream
- Nelson's Mom
- Nelson's Mother
- Nerdy Teen
- Network Lady
- New York Style! Woman
- Nigel's wife
- Noah
- Nom-Noms 6 Producer #1
- Nookie Kwan
- Nun
- Nurse #1
- Nutritionist
- Oktober Fest Bartender
- Old Italian Woman
- Old Jewish Man's Late Wife Voice
- Old Jewish Woman
- Old Lady Waiting For Bus
- Old Lady in Baby-So-Fresh Commercial
- Old Lady in Commercial
- Old Nun
- Old Timey Newsboy
- Old Woman At Retirement Home
- Old Woman From Retirement Home
- Old Women
- Olive
- Omni Lady
- Oompa-Loompa
- Optometrist
- Orderly
- Orion Hughes Fan #2
- Orphan
- Orphan Children
- Orphanage Woman
- Ostrich Ranch Owner
- Others
- Owner
- P.E. Teacher
- P.F. Thongs Lady
- Paris Texan
- Party Girl
- Party Guest Member #1
- PartyLine Voice
- Paula Paul
- Peggy Bundy
- People at Therapy
- Pepi
- Person Ordering Food's Wife
- Pharmacist #2
- Philippa
- Phillips
- Phone Lady
- Phone Voice
- Photographer
- Phyllis Diller
- Physiotherapist
- Piano Lady
- Pie Woman
- Pig-Pen Boy
- Pita
- Plaintiff
- Power Plant System
- Prince Christian
- Princess Diana
- Princess Tempura
- Princess Wilhemedia of Prussia
- Prisoners
- Producer #2
- Professor Hessler
- Psychologist
- Psychologist #3
- Public Domain Debbie
- Pudding Waitress
- Quenley
- Quoter
- Random Childon
- Random Female Prison Inmate
- Rapunzel
- Razzle Dazzle's Pizza-Tainment Palace Children
- Real Estate Agent #2
- Real Housewife #2
- Record Producer's Son
- Red Dragon
- Remedial Class Teacher
- Renata
- Reporter
- Reporter #3
- Republican Official
- Rest Detector
- Retirement Castle nurse
- Revival Announcer
- Richie Rich
- Rick
- Robin Hannah
- Robot
- Rocket J. Squirrel
- Rome-O
- Ronaldo
- Rosie
- Rosie O'Donnell
- Rottweiler
- Running Crowd
- Russian General's Mistress
- S.C.A.M.S Counciler
- Sally May Robots
- Sandee
- Sandra's Friend
- Sarah
- Sassy Black Woman
- Scarlett O'Hara
- School Psychologist
- School Receptionist
- Science and Technology Woman
- Scientist #1
- Scientist #2
- Scottish Nurse
- Screaming Woman
- Screaming Women
- Sea Hugger #2
- Sepulveda
- Sergeant Crew
- Sheila Chow
- Shelby
- Sheriff
- Sherri
- Shopping Channel woman
- Shoquelle
- Singing Kid
- Singing Spucklers
- Sister Thomasina
- Sisters
- Slimu Host
- Social Media Lady
- Soft News Reporter
- Solar
- Son
- Sondra
- Sophie's Mom
- Spam Caller
- Speed Dating Woman
- Sports Awards Announcer
- Springfield Shopper Receptionist
- Springfield Zoo Director
- Spud
- Squid Alien
- Stacey Deathsatan
- Stacy
- Starla
- Starr
- Starving Paris Vogue Fashion Girls
- Steak Cake or Fake Contestant
- Stephanie
- Stewardess #2
- Store Cafe Employee
- Store Cashier
- Store Cashier # 2
- Store Cashier #1
- Store Cashier Clark
- Store Owner
- Strawberry
- Stripper #1
- Student
- Students
- Stuff-N-Hug Worker
- Substitute Teacher
- Suicide Hotline Voice
- Sun-Moon
- Sweet elderly lady
- Sweetso
- Swimming Instructor
- Swiss Representative
- Sylvia
- T-Rex's Friend
- T.R. Francis
- TV
- TV Mother
- TV Screamer
- TV Woman Announcer
- Taxidermy Reviewer
- Tea House Waitress
- Teen
- Teen #2
- Teen #4
- Teenage Girl At School
- Teenager girl
- Teenagers
- Telephone Operator
- The Amazing Place Producer
- The Answer Narrator
- The Great British Boiling Show Co-Host
- The Mummy's Wife
- The Playground Ghost
- The Timberlog Diner Lady
- The Wizard Twins
- Therapy Children
- Thicker Than Water Son
- Think God I'm Dead Lady
- Ticket Lady
- Tiffany
- Tintin
- Tipsy-Wheel Woman
- Titi
- Tootsie Chiles
- Top Hat announcer #1
- Tortured People
- Tour Guide #2
- Tracey
- Train Announcer
- Tress MacNeille
- Tripod Spuckler
- Trudy
- Trudy Zengler
- Tumi
- Tunnelton Narrator
- Uhura
- Urchin
- Uter's Mom
- Valerie
- Vanessa Redgrave
- Various Cheerleader's
- Various Indian Women
- Various Old Women
- Various People At Resturant
- Various People at Ball
- Various Students
- Various Women
- Velma
- Verity Heathbar
- Vermont Woman
- Veronica
- Vicki Valentine
- Video Game Voice
- Video Matchmaking manager
- Viktor's Wife
- Violinist
- Voice on Computer
- Voice on Phone
- Voice on Radio
- Volleyball Players
- Voodoo Queen
- Voting Booth
- Waitress #1
- Waitress #3
- Wakkety Yak Hater
- Wallis
- Warden
- Water Girl
- Waverly Elementary School Teacher
- Waverly Hills Student
- Wed Loster Empolyee
- Wendell
- Wendell Borton
- Wendy
- When Soft Men Do Hard Time Interviewer
- Where's The Cat?Woman
- Whiner #2
- Wife of Dermatologist
- Wife of Surgeon
- Wild Beast #3
- Willie's Mom
- Woman Introducing Milton Burkhart
- Woman Judge
- Woman Neighbor
- Woman On Big TV Screen
- Woman On Desk
- Woman Partner
- Woman Passing Construction Site
- Woman Screaming On Road
- Woman That Lives In Marge's Old House
- Woman Who Spits in Grave
- Woman Who Watched Play
- Woman at Bar
- Woman at Fertility Clinic
- Woman at Festival
- Woman at Funeral
- Woman at Golf Course
- Woman at Meeting
- Woman at Meeting Hall
- Woman at Park
- Woman at Party
- Woman at Playpit
- Woman at Pro Football Headquarters
- Woman at Rap Concert
- Woman at Springfield Speakers Bureau
- Woman at Ticket Office
- Woman from Future
- Woman in 'The Three Stooges'
- Woman in Audience
- Woman in Audience #1
- Woman in Crowd
- Woman in Film
- Woman in Hospital
- Woman in Money Bag
- Woman in the Theater
- Women In Hot Tub
- Women Reading To Kids At Book Store
- Women at Ceremony
- Women at Pool
- Women on Beach
- Women on TV
- Worker in Movie
- Writer #2
- Writer #4
- Yale Admissions Woman
- Yellow Weasel
- Yoga Ladies
- Zoe Burwell
- Zombie Boy
- Zombie Bride
- Zookeeper(voz)