This was heading for a solid eight or nine stars until episode four. I just couldn't believe what was being left behind and the callous way it was done. It was completely out of character and incongruous with the whole thrust of the return to Jamaica. I also had difficulty believing the substitution in the episode on the plane.
Apart from this there were action aplenty, plot twists, loads of murders, intrigue. All of them melded into a coherent narrative that came together in the final episode.
Running through the storyline was a theme of how gay men are treated in Jamaica and the homophobia they suffer. We saw two ways that gay guys dealt with this - one way was to be completely overt and camp like Millie's trans sister. The other was to remain deeply in the closet like Millie's colleague Curtis. Neither way is satisfactory. One leads to brutal beatings and murder, the other leads to exposure and ostracism. Jamaican society is savagely anti-gay, partly a legacy of colonial laws and partly a result of the American evangelical churches that have poisoned discourse on the island. This theme is an interesting human interest strand in the overall crime story.
I really liked this. I just didn't like parts of episode four. I recommend it strongly nonetheless.