First of all, I have to say that I am glad I skimmed through some of the other user reviews. Those "thumbs up" reviews encouraged me to take a look at this film. That, and the fact that I always love seeing Keanu on the screen. I think "The Whole Truth" is an okay movie. Nothing special, but watchable.
Secondly, I want to say that whomever it was who composed the film score is responsible---- immensely so---- for distracting me from my complete enjoyment of the film. Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle go the piano keys. It got so annoying, at times all II could think about was "Who in the heck thought this constant 'drama' music was needed?"
What really got to me, though, was how I kept thinking the kid's Mom reminded me so much of Renee Zellweger. At one point I even asked myself, "Does this actress find it hard to get work simply because she is such a dopplegänger for Zellweger?"
Hahaha. The joke is on me. IT IS Renee! I swear I didn't know, until I looked at the cast and credits. My jaw hit the ground. Wow. Oh, Renee. You and Jennifer Grey. Why? WHY?
I'm glad I didn't know during the movie, as then I would have been too focused on why in the hell Renee would have something done which would so drastically alter her appearance. I liked her the way she was.