Joey Mazzarino
- Reparto
- Guion
- Dirección
Joey Mazzarino nació el 4 de junio de 1968 en Nueva York, Nueva York, EE.UU.. Es un actor y escritor, conocido por Plaza sésamo (1969), Julie's Greenroom (2017) y Elmo en la tierra de los gruñones (1999). Está casado con Kerry Butler. Tienen dos niños.
Serie de TV
- Murray Monster
- Blogg
- Papa Bear
- Muppet
- Horatio the Elephant
- Ingrid
- Merry Monster
- Stinky
- Murray
- Stinky the Stinkweed
- Joey Monkey
- Narf
- Chicken
- Two-Headed Monster
- Big Rad Wolf
- Horatio
- Nucky Ducky
- Pig
- Rooster
- The Great In-Betweeni
- Big Foot
- Carson Daly Muppet
- Davy Jones
- Det. Elliot Stabler
- Elephant
- Figby
- Lamb
- Letter Y
- Merry
- Monster
- Only One Cannoli
- Original Jay
- Penguin
- Robin
- Sheep
- 13
- Accordion Player
- Additional Performers
- Alligator
- Alphabeat
- Alphabet Explorer
- Amazing Al
- Announcer
- Ant
- Anything Muppet #1
- Astronaut
- Baby Bunny
- Baby Tooth
- Backup Dancer
- Baseball Cap
- Baseball Hat
- Bee
- Beetle
- Benny
- Bernie Broccoli
- Bert in 'Conga'
- Big Bad Wolf
- Big Bo Peep
- Bird
- Birthday Cake
- Blögg
- Bolo
- Boy #2
- British Cricket
- Bus Passenger #1
- Cactus
- Cafeteria Member
- Camel
- Cheese
- Clumsy
- Colambo
- Colambo the Sheep Detective
- Construction Worker
- Cousin Bear
- Crash Helmet
- Dan Rather-not
- Deliveryman
- Dog
- E
- Eggplant
- Farmer
- Fiverine
- Fox
- Frog
- Grampy Bear
- Green AM
- Green Transylvanian
- Grouch
- Grouch Explorer
- Grouch Thief
- Gulliver
- Gus Hopper
- Helmet
- Herbert H
- Horatio Elephant
- Horseman #1
- Ingrid, Lyle Large
- Izzy
- Jack
- Jack the Chicken
- Jester
- Journal
- Jury Penguin 3
- Kingsman
- Leonardo da Crunchy
- Letter A
- Letter R
- Letter T
- Library Patron
- Mack
- Mailbox
- Man #2
- Monster #1
- Monster Doctor
- Mouse
- Mr. Gue
- Mr. MiCookie
- Muffin
- Number 0
- Number 10
- Old MacDonald
- Old Macdonald
- Old McDonald
- Paramedic
- Paramedic 1
- Paul
- Philip
- Phooey Louie
- Pierre Blue
- Professor Rooster
- Proud Pig
- Pumpkin Man
- Rabbit
- Representative
- Royal Reader
- Spot
- Squirrel
- Stan the Snowball
- Swampy
- Tan Monster
- The Cream
- The Elephant
- The Fairy Dogperson
- The Great In-Betweeny
- The Great-In Betweeny
- The Grouch
- The Hairy Godperson
- The Jacket Fairy
- The Letter E
- The Number 8
- The Oinker Sisters
- The Top Banana
- Tom Wolf
- Tomato
- Tooth Fairy
- Triangle Lover
- Uncle Herb
- X
- Zuccin-eye