Have you ever seen a documentary that evoked a sense that anyone could make one? If ever there was such a documentary, this is it. As far as documentary goes, this is as true-to-form as it gets:
1)Point a camera at your subject
2)Interview people
That's *it*. Recall some of the more nuanced documentaries that follow typical form to a T: Grey Gardens, Holy Hell, Voyeur, Tickled, Wild Wild Country, The Untitled Amazing Jonathan Documentary. All of these begin with an idea and use that idea as a vehicle to drive a story. Jawline tells no story.
The subjects have no interesting realizations. They don't live interesting lives. They don't say interesting things. They are not interesting. I could see the basic thesis being viable for someone else: "Look at how vain and deluded these people are." But the film does nothing with this idea. It simply asserts it and nothing more. Grey Gardens, which arguably indulges an identical theme, successfully portrays the theme as a human tragedy and puts on display far more interesting subjects than the charisma vacuums present in Jawline. I rarely use the pretentious "I wish I could get back the time I spent on this" adage, but it fits here.