This is a silly movie. It's goal is to make you laugh, and little beyond that. Indeed I laughed for most of the movie. It is hard for me to find much fault when I am laughing that much. That the last act had fewer jokes was a minor misstep. The characters were cute and the story didn't get in the way of the humor. And I kind of enjoyed the story, it was a little odd and funny.
It is unusual among animated movies in that its focus is jokes, kind of like a stand-up act. There are a lot of these jokes and they are quite funny! Does anything feel better than laughing? (OK, well very few things.) The story is mainly there as a vehicle for the jokes. So perhaps slightly different expectations will serve you well with this movie.
Don't go to this for a serious story! It is light humor, and at that game a great success. If you recognize that that is what the filmmakers are going for, then you will enjoy it. If you are expecting an incredible story or thrilling action or amazing animated beauty, then you might be disappointed.
As lighthearted humor with playful animation, and a great ending song, the film is a success.