On a period of illness so harsh that I could not even face concentrating on a film, I found myself dumped in front on daytime telly wondering when I was going to get better. One of the shows I saw was the terribly tawdry "Car Booty" where lower-middle class families sell their tat at a car boot sale in an attempt to make a few hundred for a Butlins holiday, fridge, cooker etc. Immediately following it was Cash in the Attic which seems to do the same thing but in a slightly more upmarket fashion by picking on families who have inherited things of value. They are generally the sort of people who take their goods to Antiques Roadshow, find out it is worth a sh1tload but decide it has "too much sentimental value" and they did rather get up my nose.
For Car Booty it was depressing to watch people selling rubbish just to try and get the cash to buy what are (in my opinion) pretty basics goods and services but here it is a tad annoying to watch the people pulling heirlooms out of their bums. However this is not to say it is cheerful stuff because it isn't. I still had an issue with people being encouraged to sell over reasonably valuable personal family items just to try and get some cash for a short term project. Regardless of this though I still found the show nothing more than dull rubbish.
In credit to the makers they do try to make it engaging and milking everything they can out of the stories the reason for the selling etc and the auctions are reasonably interesting (if you've stuck with it for that long). Even in my weakened state though I did find myself thinking that this was nearly as long per episode as The Wire, The Sopranos, many BBC4 documentaries etc all things that are more interesting and beneficial than this, although I suppose that is the price to pay for 24 hour broadcasting and lots of channels to fill.
I know several people have presented this down the years but the ones I saw were all fronted by Angela Rippon. Once a big name it is nearly painful to watch her like this as she delivers a performance so hammy and cheesy that it is like she has been stuck in panto. Any dialogue is delivered with exaggerated facial expressions , which are made worse by her overdoing any vague excitement she may feel (or not feel). That said though, I suppose she does fit the product she is selling so in a way she is brilliant just not in any way I am interested in.
Car Booty for the middle and upper-middle classes then and you can't have much more damning criticism than that.