This film can rock your world! A riveting, powerful, painful to watch at times, controversial action packed, scary thriller about a Latino American veteran (day laborer) dropped off by mistake and hunted for sport at a private ranch in Texas.
This is an emotional roller coaster with a perfectly chosen and excellent cast. They exhibit the deep hatred, revenge and fear that burns right through the screen. Danny Arroyo, is star lead who's screen presence is engaging and undeniable. He turns in a stellar, suave, cool, convincing and tense performance from start to finish.
This is a solid showcase of his dramatic/emotional range coupled with his physical capabilities (fight scenes) along with a natural charisma that has us rooting for him!
Danny, along with talented cast mates, display the compelling message behind the screenwriters intent. We are confronted by a complex and thought provoking series of scenes that find us hating the hate, and learning & identifying with a whole other reality. It causes us to think hard about what we are witnessing and can cause you to consider your own personal beliefs. A 90 minute captivating, and gut wrenching film. Terrific Talent! Watch it and see how you feel.