A routine 80s action film elevated considerably by the presence of then rising star Arnold Schwarzenegger, Raw Deal is one of Arnold's earlier screen appearances, and more forgotten action movies.
There's really nothing to set it apart. A super cop taking down a gang of criminals. That's the plot. The undercover plot was interesting, but there was a weird abundance of plot for such a bland-looking action film.
The action scenes are the film's strength for sure. The action abounds here, with a great opening shootout, car/motorcycle chase, bar fight, alley fight, store fight, car chase, and the long climax consisting of two long and awesome shootouts. There's a long shootout where Arnold drives around in a car shooting fools to the tune of "Satisfaction" by The Rolling Stones. The best part? He puts the tape into the player at the start of the scene.
This is a severely blood-soaked action film, even by 80s standards, with lots of bloody violence. It's a little excessive. It also has an underrated acting performance from Arnold, a cool rocky 80s theme, and one of the best gear-up scenes ever. It's almost as good as the one in
Super flic (2007).
Definitely give it a watch if you're an Arnold fan, or even an 80s action junkie. I still can't get over the greatness of the gloriously OTT final shootouts. This movie is painfully Arnold, and I love it.