Thirty something Donna (Sharon Horgan) has a "moment of clarity" before her wedding and suddenly realises that the Karl (her husband to be) is a bit of a dullard and she doesn't want to go through with it. Instead she decides to move in with her equally dysfunctional mates Karen (Rebekah Staton) and Louise (Tanya Franks).
What could seem -- on paper -- like a micro budget version of Sex And The City is actually a modern f-word morality play based on women that act like men and -- as a result -- have the very same problems. Drinking, casual sex and communal living have their consequences and problems, but this is played for farce and farce is generally the comedy of embarrassment.
The trio are the slut, the virgin (ok, she hasn't had sex for two years) and the confused. Modern archetypes who play modern life like a pinball machine - always trying to bounce off the cushion for the bonus, but more often going straight down the middle.
Is it funny? Yes, actually. Some really good lines in every show, although the rules of comedy are always on show: Nobody gets away with anything and the next day's breakfast table is full of regret and "never again" (as if we believe it!)
Cheap? Yes! Cheerful? Yes! Funny? See above! So there you have it. If you are up for a slightly bonkers comedy with characters from hell then it well worth a look. It may be a lads comedy in dresses, but go to big UK town on a Saturday night and you'll see plenty of this for real.
For the benefit of non UK parties, Pulling is going out and finding someone to go home with - usually aided by a few cheap drinks and a few cheap chat up lines.