I quite liked the first Transformers and this film. Neither of the Transformers films are masterpieces, but neither are terrible movies either in my opinion. And yes, this is coming from a fan of the 1984 series and 1986 movie. Transformers 2:Revenge of the Fallen is not the best of the year, but it is a long way from the worst either(not like The Ugly Truth or Dragonball Evolution). And is it the worst movie of all time as I have seen in some reviews and various message boards? For me, not even close.
Does this mean it is completely flawless? No. The characters are rather shallow(the twins especially, they are offensive too), the story is formulaic with some of the scenes with the humans on the dull side, the Autobots get nowhere near enough screen-time and some of the script is weak going overboard with some lowbrow and immature humour. In regards to the latter though, it does have a few humorous and exciting parts so it wasn't quite as glaring as the characters and story problems and to be fair to those two problems the original suffered from the same problems exactly.
But when it comes to the visual spectacle and effects, I can't fault this movie at all, the whole film does look amazing and the effects are in my view some of the best of the year. And the action sequences are very thrilling, there isn't too much and it makes up for the not-so-involving exposition with the human characters. The soundtrack is also fantastic, and the sound is very impressive in its authenticity. The acting is an improvement, Shia LaBoeuf is likable enough and while she is far from a great actress Megan Fox has improved as well. John Tuturo and Kevin Dunn are great too, but my favourite characters are Megatron and especially Optimus Prime voiced wonderfully by Hugo Weaving and Peter Cullen. Another improvement is Michael Bay's direction, I can find it murky and unfocused but it was serviceable here.
Overall, an okay movie that gets some not-entirely deserved but understandable flack. 6/10 Bethany Cox