It's not funny, not witty, it's sort of like her on 'The View'... just uneducated, crass, and sort of laughable in a bad way, not funny, just laughable. This didn't hit my funny bone nor did it convey reality in any way.
I truly do like Sherri. She's not educated, thinks the Earth is flat, doesn't believe in the sciences of evolution (if you dislike the evolution argument, just look up her beliefs on other sciences unrelated to Religion, because I am not knocking Creationists by any means), and she is just ignorant in general. However, I do love her timing and sense of humor at times, she does get the eye from guests on The View when she presumes to be A-List and asks questions either out of line or gushing, but that also adds to her appeal.
I like Sherri. This show doesn't do it for me. She was great on 'Less Than Perfect', '30 Rock', 'Precious', and is very entertaining (not intellectually obviously on 'The View') but this show is not necessarily a must-see. It's on a cable network so maybe it will last a season...
Just my opinion. :) thanks