First of all, I have to say I grew up watching Dragon Ball and I've been very excited about every new release that is announced. Unfortunately, nothing has proved to be as entertaining, epic and magical as the original DB and DBZ; including this movie.
Battle of Gods is indeed, a nice present to all Dragonball fans (especially after DB: Evolution). It has many of the elements that made the series great: the battles, the transformations, the jokes and funny moments, and the great characters we all love. To me, this would'd been enough material to produce an awesome movie with a decent budget and a good script. However, it seems the movie focused more on the funny side and we ended up with a light and trivial film. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the movie, but I expected more from the title of it.
I never felt the safety of the planet or even the life of a character was truly compromised. There wasn't even an imminent danger to prevent or fight against. And even if there was, the reasons that seem to motivate the main "villain" to do so, seemed pathetic, insignificant.
I also think the production quality was mediocre. There are times where 2d and 3d try to blend in but in my opinion it doesn't look good. In long or full shots you see character faces drawn incomplete. Cities and backgrounds felt lifeless and drawn without much detail. I'm not asking for animation quality equal to a Hollywood production but I've seen other anime movies which look stunning.
I'm trying to be objective so don't hate me for pointing this things out and sounding so negative. I love Dragon Ball but I won't be satisfied with anything they throw at me with its name on it.
In conclusion, as much as I like DB, I don't feel this film was good enough.