Jim Henson(1936-1990)
- Artiste
- Scénariste
- Production
Jim Henson est né le 24 septembre 1936 dans le Mississippi, États-Unis. Il était acteur et scénariste. Il est connu pour Le Muppet Show (1976), 1, rue Sésame (1969) et Dark Crystal (1982). Il était marié à Jane Henson. Il est mort le 16 mai 1990 dans l'état de New York, États-Unis.
Série télévisée
- Kermit the Frog
- Waldorf
- Rowlf
- Link Hogthrob
- The Swedish Chef
- Muppet Newsman
- Dr. Teeth
- The Newsman
- Swedish Chef
- Rowlf the Dog
- Gloat
- Jim
- Zeke
- Pig
- Whatnot Dancers
- Accordion Player
- Beaver
- Ernie
- Jugband Member
- Newsman
- Prairie Dog
- Australian
- Baby
- Beaker clones
- Beautiful Day Monster
- Black Rooster
- Blue Frackle
- Boppity
- Boston Pops Conductor
- Brown Bear
- Bug
- Bun-Bun Brother
- Butch the Tiger
- Cantaloupe
- Clodhopper
- Construction Worker
- Dancers
- Doglion
- Droop
- Eel
- Fazoob
- Flower-Eating Monster
- Gills Brother
- Gingerbread Man
- Girl Dancer
- Gypsy
- Hillbilly Singer
- King Rupert the Second
- Lefty
- Lenny the Lizard
- Leo
- Link Hoghrob
- Link Hogthtrob
- Mahna Mahna
- Marvin
- Mary Louise
- Mean Mama
- Miss Kitty
- Miss Kitty's Dancing Partner
- Muppaphones
- Muppet Newspig
- Nigel
- Old Man Singer
- One of the Students
- Piano
- Pigs
- Pretty Monster
- Rat
- Robot Kermit
- Rover Joe
- Rowlf's Dancing Partner
- Scientist
- Shaky Sanchez
- Silver Beak
- Singer
- Singing Fireman
- Slim Wilson
- Tennis Balls
- The Muppaphones
- The Muppet Newsman
- Timmy Monster
- Turkish Whatnot
- Viking Pig
- Villager
- Villain
- Wally Whoopie
- Whatnot
- Whatnot Dancer(voix)
Série télévisée
- Ernie
- Kermit the Frog
- Guy Smiley
- The Baker
- Kermit
- Thomas Twiddlebug
- Anything Muppets
- Bad Bart
- Bip Bippadotta
- Erine
- Sinister Sam
- Harvey Monster
- Tony
- Blue Martian
- Jester
- Spaceship Surprise Captain
- Cowboy
- Fat Blue Victim
- The King of Eight
- Baker
- Boy
- Father
- Muppet Performer
- Roberta
- Rowlf the Dog
- The King
- Additional Anything Muppets
- Barry Rhymie
- Captain
- Captain Vegetable
- City Hipster
- Fat Blue Cheerleader
- Fat Blue J Friend
- Fenwick
- Frances's Last Line
- Juggler
- Lance
- Lavender Alien
- Mahna Mahna
- Mailman
- Marvin
- Mr. Nose
- Postman
- Prime Minister
- Salvador Dada
- Bartender
- Ben
- Blue Man
- Boater
- City Boy
- Cookie Monster
- Dwarves
- Fat Blue Guy
- Fat Blue Man
- Flakey
- Frog
- Geefle
- Goldfish
- Granny Fanny Nesselrode
- Green Cowboy
- Kermit The Frog
- King of 8
- Lavender Cowboy
- Lavender Singer
- Lavender Vocalist
- Lefty
- Pokey
- Prince Charming
- Royal Cook
- Sam
- Sam the Snake
- Singer
- Soldier
- Store Clerk
- Additional Muppets
- Baby Monster
- Baritone
- Beginning
- Bert
- Bip BIppadotta
- Bip Bipadotta
- Blue Victim
- Blue Villager
- Boy in Circle
- Bread
- Bruce
- Carpenter
- Casanova
- Court Jester
- Dan
- Fat Blue Witch
- Fred the Monster
- Garbage Man
- Garbageman
- George Washington
- Green Man
- Green Monster
- Guitarist
- Head Cheerleader
- Henry
- Herry Monster
- Hipster
- Janitor
- King Peter the Persnickety
- King Richard the Chicken-Hearted
- L-Sweater Man
- Lead Singer 'Listen to the Bells'
- Lead Singer 'One Banana'
- Lead Singer 'Street Garden Cooperation'
- Little Chrissy
- Lord Lester
- Marshal McClean
- Maurice
- Monsters
- Mr. Essex
- Nature Lover
- Newsdealer
- Nose
- Officer Stan
- Pat Playjacks
- Royal Fireman
- Sammy the Snake
- Scudge
- Sneaky
- Stagehand
- The Geefle
- The Young Son
- Zizzy Zoomer #1
- 1st Elevator Passenger
- 2nd Elevator Passenger
- Anything Muppet
- Apple
- Aristocrat
- Attendant
- Baker (segment "Song of Two")
- Banker
- Barry
- Basketball
- Bats
- Beatnik
- Billy
- Bip Bippadota
- Bip Pippadotta
- Blue Cheerleader
- Blue Guy
- Blue J Friend
- Bruce Monster
- Bumble Ardy
- Bus Driver
- City Man
- Clerk
- Cop
- Dad
- Diver
- Doc
- Drippy
- Elmo Monderporg
- Elmo Mondiporg
- Emperor
- Employer
- Ernie Statue
- F Cheerleader
- Fat Blue 'J Friends' Singer
- Fat Blue Dentist
- Fat Blue King
- Fat Blue Man ('ET Family')
- Fat Blue Man (Sun Sketch)
- Fat Blue Man in 'ET Family Song'
- Fat Blue P Lover
- Fat Blue VIctim
- Father ('Five People in My Family')
- Father (Pumpkin)
- Fiddler 1
- Fireman
- Freddy Smith
- Gato
- Genie
- Glaser's Patient
- Grand High Grouch
- Grandmother Happy
- Green Boy
- Green Cheerleader
- Green Man 'Exercise'
- Green Mouse
- Grocer
- Grover
- Guy Slimey
- Harold Happy
- Harry
- Harvey's Victim
- Ivan the Icky
- Jack
- Jerry Nelson
- Jim the Juggler
- Juggler (on-camera)
- King Digitus
- King Gerry the Generous
- King of Eight
- King's Attendant
- Lead Singer 'Bells'
- Lead Singer'Listen to the Bells'
- Librarian
- Little Bird
- Lost and Found Clerk
- Man
- Marius Monderporg
- Marvin (music store owner)
- Masked Man
- Maurice Monster
- Motorperson
- Moving Man
- Mr. Jenkins
- Orange Gold Subject
- Pa (Fat Blue)
- Park Attendant
- Pedestrian
- Pig #4
- Pigs
- Pumpkin AM Cowboy
- Purple Boy
- Purple Monster
- Radiator Mover
- Rancher Ernie
- Royal Bass Player
- Sheldon the Turtle
- Short Branch Cafe Bartender
- Sonny Friendly
- Storekeeper
- Swedish Man
- Taxi Driver
- The Baler
- The Count
- The Emperor
- The Genie
- The Juggler
- The King of 8
- The Letter W
- The Mailman
- The Prime Minister
- Tom Smith
- Tuba Player
- Two-Headed Monster's Mom
- Uncle (Fat Blue)
- Unicorn
- Various Monsters
- Various Muppets
- Villager
- Villagers
- W
- Woman
- Yodeling Cowboy
- Yorick