I am not part of the target audience for this movie. Keep that in mind.
If someone made a movie about the ancient Greek Gods for the 21st Century, and used Asian martial arts action cinematic techniques, then this would be the movie they made. And they did.
The soundtrack is loud and obnoxious. All of the dialogue is ego-oriented; i.e. "Listen to how clever I am." And the fights scenes are out of late night Kung Fu fare from the 1980s.
For all that, it's technically a competent film like all big budget films, but it's agenda is about letting female energy reign in spite of a lot of hijinks by the males, ironically led by a female character., and it's a female instructor that teaches the main protagonist how to fight.
So ... it's pretty cliche and predictable, but is it a bad movie? Eh, I'm not really partial to it, I could see all the plot points and story oriented character moments coming a mile away, including the whole "date outside your social circle" motif, and the feminine angle regarding the responsibility of wielding power and who should and why.
It's a film made for teens and so-called "geek culture". I gave it a chance, and all I can say is that I liked it better than the first Guardians of the Galaxy, but again this is a movie made for the teen comic-book crowd, and not for an older individual like me.
Loud, over the top, predictable, lots of ego oriented moments, if you're looking for some updated martial-arts action with god like powers thrown in, then look no further than this movie. But don't expect high art.