Blake Lively and Jude Law did a good job with their acting but there is nothing redeeming about this dull franchise-wannabe. The only thing I learned from this mess is never to watch a film directed by Reed again because, honestly, she has no eye for it. The camera shakes so much that I wanted to throw up within ten minutes. By twenty minutes in, I had a horrendous headache.
You want to make an action film? You don't have to have shaky-shaky handheld shots. You want to create tension? You don't have to do it with pathetically lit scenes where, even in daylight sequences, you can't see the expressions of the actors and are squinting to see what is what.
Honestly, an hour in, I'd had enough. The story, whilst "okay" didn't bring anything new to the genre and certainly wasn't fresh enough to hold my attention. Had the directing been better, and the shots lit better then, I probably would have given this a 6 out of 10. But, as it stands, this is a mess.