Originally a bonus for the DVD release, "Auntie Edna" is available in the short film section of Disney Plus at the moment and, as I've been running through those, I watched it a few days ago. It's fine, for what it is, but a bit slight.
As he heads to save his family in the events of "The Incredibles 2", Mr Incredible (Craig T Nelson) leaves his youngest son Jack-Jack (Eli Fucile, Maeve Andrews & Nicholas Bird) with his confidant Edna Mode (Brad Bird). Mode takes the opportunity to assess the many and varied powers that Jack-Jack has and tries to create a suit for him.
If I'm honest, I can see why this might have been a scene cut from the movie, rather than a specifically produced addition, it's mildly amusing stuff but trades a lot on hoping you have a pre-existing connection with these characters, particularly Edna, who doesn't have any of the amusing lines she's had in particularly the first film.
The animation is typically Pixar brilliance and there are moments of physical comedy that are good - but it's not worth much to anyone but "Incredibles" completionists.