"There ain't no God! Do you hear me? There ain't no God!"
Screenwriter Paddy Chayefsky traces the arc of celebrity from troubled childhood, never feeling loved, being used by men, and the feeling of loneliness despite fame. He channels Tennessee Williams early on especially, with a poor teenage mother in the South dumping off her child with her brother so she's not tied down. The child grows up and searching for a connection, becomes sexually promiscuous, and marries a man who gives her an inroad into Hollywood. He's got problems of his own, and he sardonically summarizes their relationship by saying "You have a passion for respectability, I have a horror of loneliness - that's love." She leaves him and her child, ironically parroting the sentiments of her mother.
The woman (Kim Stanley) achieves fame after a second marriage to an athlete (Lloyd Bridges), posing nude and makes herself physically available to powerful men in Hollywood. All of that is just alluded to which is understandable, but it was frustrating that the rest of the woman's professional life was also described at a distance, and never shown. The result was a film that wallowed in overwrought speeches and was emotionally one-sided as it played out. Kim Stanley is the main reason to see it despite a script that languishes, and she has some fine "method" moments, especially in the charged scenes with her mother (Betty Lou Holland). Unfortunately, she's far less successful playing a teenager, not acting or looking the part in the slightest. Overall though, this is just not a strong enough vehicle for her, as interesting as she was. Terrible ending too.