Second outing for Clint Eastwood's anti-hero is an absorbing thriller, let down by some sloppy characterisation and the lack of a killer (no pun intended) scene or even iconic dialogue. It starts off poorly with the title credits lamely played over an almost static shot of the title weapon (very "Sledge Hammer") but once we get past the token scene reminding us of Harry's "shoot first, ask questions later" policing policy, the main plot strand about an internal police death-squad violently taking out known felons dominates the film.
There are some humanising touches around Harry's character, although these stereotypically show him as irresistible to women, rebellious to authority and almost friendly and caring for his young black sidekick, so that nothing new is revealed about what makes him tick. There is something condescending about the treatment of these supporting characters, especially the portrayal of Callahan's young Oriental neighbour who despite hardly seeing him around, seems desperate to jump into bed with him.
Better to stick with the action of which there is plenty. There's intrigue as Callahan's instincts lead him to find the true identities of the assassination bureau and a good twist as their ringleader emerges from the shadows.
The acting is mostly fine, Eastwood naturally dominating in his typical laconic manner. Hal Holbrook is also excellent as his testy superior and David Soul shines in a pre-Hutch role. Ted Post directs with some flair with some blunt lapses while Lalo Schifrin contributes a typically gritty soundtrack. The film makes its main point about the dangers of vigilantism and cleverly uses Harry Callahan of all people as a counterpoint to its proponents.
Some might argue as to whether all the violence was necessary and I felt the grisly death of a black prostitute bordered on the gratuitous but on the whole this was superior cop-fare and a good sequel to the trailblazing "Dirty Harry".