I was still very little when this show aired here in Europe, but even so, I still remember two shows me and my family were sort of addicted to : Sledge Hammer and Raven. Although not very alike, they were and are both icons of genius series in the 80's and 90's. I still remember the great scenery and atmosphere in Rave and the fights were exciting as ever, how else would a little guy like I was remember such a show clearly? The main characters were great developed and Raven himself had such a great mystery over him as a former member of the Black Dragons.
As mentioned by many people here before me, it's a pity that Raven (and sledge hammer too) had such a short lifespan. And while many shows are now re-released on DVD, Raven stays in the cold for no apparent reason, at least to me. Please release this show and make us happy :(