Play School has been on for too long and is utterly unwatchable. It offers bad morals - cheating and stealing are okay, not to mention the infamous "strangers are our friends," and of course sends the wrong message that all emotions except positive ones should be ignored.
If you thought Barney & Friends was bad enough, Play School is even worser. The presenters are as useless as Barney the Dinosaur - they're always happy, telling kids that negative emotions are bad, and their voices are like fingernails scratching on a chalkboard. Not to mention the toy characters are ... just there.
Sure, like Barney, many people, especially in Australia, like Play School and consider it childhood, but, to us Americans, it's one of those bad kids shows. As I said before, it teaches bad lessons like "you should cheat" or "stealing is okay" and that the only edible things in the world are junk food. The toys are pointless, the hosts are too cheerful and smiley. If you have kids, keep them far, far away from this show as possible. Unless you want your children to become perpetual smilers who cheat, steal, make friends with strangers, and eat nothing but junk, turn on something FAR superior like Sesame Street or Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.