Bridge of Spies (2015)
*** (out of 4)
Attorney James Donovan (Tom Hanks) is given the thankless job of defending suspected Russian spy Rudolf Abel (Mark Rylance). Donovan accepts the job but soon finds himself defending his client a bit too good for some, which leads to him being the main negotiator between America and Russia when it comes time for a prisoner swap.
Steven Spielberg's BRIDGE OF SPIES isn't one of the director's greatest works but it's certainly a very well-made film that manages to hold your attention throughout the rather long running time. I must admit that the trailer for the film really left me cold so I wasn't sure what to expect from the film but overall it's another good movie from the director, although the ending falls into that cringe-worthy, over-sentimental stuff that the director does quite often.
With that said, there's no doubt that there's a highly good story being told here that grabs your attention and doesn't let it go. The screenplay by Joel & Ethan Coen and Matt Charman does a very good job at capturing the spirit of the period and even if you're not familiar with the Cold War the film does a nice job at bringing you up to speed on the various fears. Spielberg perfectly handles the material and milks it for some nice drama as well as some political points that are certainly meant to be taken into consideration on some current issues.
Hanks, as you'd expect, turns in an excellent performance and is certainly believable in the role of the attorney who finds his life spinning out of control from not only his wife but strangers who feels he is helping a spy. Hanks is such a calm grace that it really was entertaining just seeing him negotiate. Rylance also deserves a lot of credit for the way he played this character and I really loved the laid back approach to where the character never tips his cap in regards to what and who he really is. Technically speaking the film is quite good and of high standards.
BRIDGE OF SPIES could have been a bit tougher on the political aspects but it's goal was to aim for the mainstream and in the end it's an entertaining film.