The son of one of her stunt doubles, Jeannie Epper, told his classmates that
his mother was Lynda's stunt double on the series Wonder Woman (1975), but they
didn't believe him, not even after he showed them a picture of his
mother in the Wonder Woman costume from the set. When Lynda herself
found out about this, she invited the boy's class to the set so they
could see Jeannie herself in action.
[When asked if she made a profit from the Wonder Woman dolls]: I think that you're probably familiar with a problem in Hollywood, and that is that they market you and they use you. They did a mask of my face and put it on the doll and they put my name on for the first run of it. And then they took my name off and said they didn't have to pay me anymore. So it's the kind of thing that you can be used SO much in this industry. I make nothing. I don't even make anything from the reruns. Don't ever settle for net profits. It's called "Creative Accounting".