I am usually not a fan of Swedish film and TV (with only a few exceptions) so I was very sceptical. However I decided to start waching since A. it had funding from netflix, B. a friend recommended the series and C. I am a student at the school in Djursholm that the series portrays (VRG). The series manages to portray all the different steriotypes at the school, and I can recognize schoolmates in the characters in the show (which made the whole thing so much more surreal and horrifying). This show completely blew me away and I have proceded to recommend it to all my friends.
Compared to other swedish shows, the story is very well written, with many ups and downs. I can't say much more without dropping some spoilers. So to conclude, this series will have you on edge and will provoke a range of emotion. Also it's only 6 episodes long so very bingeable. Once you start watching you cant stop.